Instructional Video

T-Tests: A Matched Pair Made in Heaven: Crash Course Statistics #27

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This T-Tests: A Matched Pair Made in Heaven: Crash Course Statistics #27 instructional video also includes:

Pair a video with your lesson on t-tests. Viewers of an informative YouTube video, the 27th part of the Crash Course Statistics series, study two sample t-tests and paired t-tests. They see which test would be appropriate for a situation and learn about similarities and differences from the one sample t-tests highlighted in the previous video.

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CCSS: Adaptable
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Instructional Ideas
  • Have the class research data and perform t-tests
Classroom Considerations
  • Builds on knowledge of test statistics from prior videos
  • Pupils should be familiar with terminology related to hypothesis testing
  • This video is hosted on YouTube
  • Uses the same context for both test types, which makes it easy to understand the differences between the two
  • Interesting graphics help hold viewer interest
  • None
Common Core