Lesson Plan

Writing An Argumentative Paragraph: Argumentative Writing

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Learning how to craft a cogent argument based on a solid claim, supported with evidence and solid reasoning, is an important life skill. Teach middle schoolers about argumentative writing with a lesson asking them to analyze the claims, evidence, and reasoning used in fiction and nonfiction texts. As an assessment, individuals read an article and craft an argumentative paragraph about it.

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CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • Print the arguments on different colored card stock, laminate them to permit reuse and then cut them into strips
Classroom Considerations
  • Requires projection equipment for the slide show and copies of "The Tell-Tale Heart," two worksheets, and the rubric
  • Materials are available in Spanish and English
  • Teacher's notes offer additional guidance for instructors

  • None