KidsHealth in the Classroom: Personal Health Series Grades 6-8
Ann V.
Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
The Personal Health Series is designed to teach middle schoolers how to improve their own health. The 22 lessons address the CASEL competencies and are divided into five categories: Fitness and Fun; Hygiene; Nutrition; Puberty, Growing Up and Emotions; and Safety. Each lesson includes a teacher’s guide, handouts, activities, and a comprehension quiz with an answer key. Adobe Reader software is required to view the PDFs.
22 Items
48 Saves
Reviewed by
Lesson Planet
exercise, food, abuse, abusive relationships, anger management, argumentative writing, breakfast, calories, carbohydrates, cheating, communication, compassion, competition, conflict resolution, cooking, critical thinking, cyberbullying, emotional development, empathy, fats, fitness, germs, goal setting, handwashing, healthy eating, healthy habits, hormones, human development, human sexuality, information literacy, internet safety, interpersonal communication, jellyfish, kindness, kitchen safety, literacy skills, lunch, meal planning, menstruation, persuasion, puberty, relationships, respect, self control, self discipline, self esteem, similarities and differences, sportsmanship, summer, sun safety, swimming, thunderstorms, water safety, summer reading, aerobic exercise, astronaut food, bicycle safety, eating habits, electronic media, fast food, fitness plans, health problems, injuries, intolerance, nutrition labels, nutritional needs, nutritional value, online communication, persuasive arguments, public service announcements, relationship skills, safety equipment, safety rules, school environment, self-awareness, snacking, social awareness, sugar, technology resources, sports, literacy, reading, responsible decision-making, cross-media analysis, sports training, cybersecurity, social-emotional learning, casel
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