Illustrative Mathematics

Illustrative Mathematics: Peyton and Presley Discuss Addition

For Teachers 1st - 3rd Standards
The purpose of this task is to support students in developing an understanding of a place value strategy for adding numbers. By using a representation to visualize the abstract notation, students will make sense of the strategy, adding...
Cool Math

Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Addition

For Students K - 1st Standards
A set of seven short tutorials on addition. Begins with a basic introduction to how addition works, and covers topics such as using a number line, place value, and regrouping.
Cool Math

Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Subtraction: Place Value Review

For Students 2nd - 3rd Standards
Reviews what place value is and how it is used in subtraction.

Visnos: Spinners

For Students Pre-K - 1st Standards
Interactive spinners can be used by teachers and students to find the rule, use order of operations to solve, and substitute values for variables. Best results when Safari or Chrome are used.
Cool Math

Coolmath: Coolmath4kids: Subtraction

For Students K - 1st Standards
A set of seven short tutorials on subtraction. Begins with a basic introduction to how subtraction works and covers topics such as fact families, place value, and regrouping.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Addition Within 100

For Students 2nd - 3rd Standards
In this exercise, students practice addition within 100. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to watch a tutorial video get hints, and try questions repeatedly. CCSS.Math.Content.3.NBT.A.2 Fluently add and...
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Adding Two Digit Numbers by Making Tens

For Students 1st - 3rd Standards
In this exercise, students practice adding two-digit numbers by making tens. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to get hints and try questions repeatedly.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Adding Two Digit Numbers by Making Tens 2

For Students 1st - 3rd Standards
In this exercise, students practice adding two-digit numbers by making tens. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to watch tutorial videos, get hints, and try questions repeatedly.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Subtracting 1s or 10s (No Regrouping)

For Students 1st - 3rd Standards
Practice solving problems like 67-5 and 67-50. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a tutorial video, or receive hints.
Unknown Type
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Subtraction Within 100

For Students 1st - 3rd Standards
In this exercise, students practice subtraction within 100. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to watch a video tutorial, get hints, and try questions repeatedly. CCSS.Math.Content.3.NBT.A.2 Fluently add and...
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Subtract 1 or 10

For Students 1st - 3rd Standards
Practice subtracting 1 or 10 from a 2-digit number (no regrouping). Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a video or receive hints.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Subtracting Two Digit Numbers (No Regrouping)

For Students Pre-K - 1st Standards
In this exercise, students practice subtracting two-digit numbers (no regrouping). Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to watch a tutorial video, get hints, and try questions repeatedly.
Unit Plan
Khan Academy

Khan Academy: Subtract Within 20

For Students K - 1st Standards
Practice subtracting. All numbers in these problems are 20 or less. Students receive immediate feedback and have the opportunity to try questions repeatedly, watch a tutorial video, or receive hints.
Unit Plan

Gcf Global: Addition and Subtraction

For Students K - 1st Standards
Learn the basics of addition and subtraction, then practice what you've learned using the interactives.

Starfall: Addition Sums to 10

For Students 1st - 2nd Standards
An engaging interactive math activity where students practice adding two sets of objects with a sum less than or equal to ten.
Unknown Type
Common Core Sheets

Common Core Sheets: Number and Operations in Base Ten 5.nbt.2 Worksheets

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Print or create worksheets or flashcards to assess students' understanding of the place value system.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: What Is a Digit

For Teachers 2nd Standards
A lesson for students extend their understanding of the place value system. Students will learn how to define a digit and also identify a digit located in the ones place, the tens place, and the 100s place.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Go Fishing for a Ten

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders use a familiar card game to help them build their math fact fluency for facts where the sum is 10.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Go Fishing for Doubles

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders play a favorite card game which practices the quick and accurate recall of double facts.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Adding and Subtracting With Lengths

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders will use their addition and subtraction strategies to measure and compare distances, solving using centimeter units.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Applying the Basics!

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Using base-ten materials and place-value skills, 2nd graders gain a better understanding of how to add and subtract numbers.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Any Order

For Teachers 2nd Standards
The numbers in an addition number sentence (addends) can be added in any order and the sum remains the same.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Put It Together and Take It Apart

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second graders increase their understanding of place value by manipulating larger numbers.
Lesson Plan
Better Lesson

Better Lesson: Bigger or Smaller

For Teachers 2nd Standards
Second grade students are asked to apply two complementary processes: counting and grouping. The conceptual understanding of the place value of a number and combining/separating numbers using place value, are critical aspects of...