College Board
2001 AP® Statistics Free-Response Questions
Develop a complete understanding of the course. Pupils and teachers use the six free-response questions to gather information about aspects of the AP® Statistics course. The resource and test section show how items cover the content. A...
College Board
2009 AP® Statistics Free-Response Questions Form B
Is your class taking the AP® Statistics exam in the near future? You may want to take a look here. Using the 2009 AP® Statistics free-response questions Form B helps learners become familiar with the testing conditions, such as time...
College Board
2011 AP® Statistics Free-Response Questions Form B
Is the sequel better than the original? The 2011 AP® Statistics free-response questions, Form B, is available for instructors to reference. Among the topics covered in the exam are histograms, distributions, studies and experiments,...
CCSS Math Activities
Smarter Balanced Sample Items: High School Math – Claim 4
What is the appropriate model? Sample problems show the extent of the Smarter Balanced assessments Claim 4, Modeling and Data Analysis. Items provide pupils the opportunity to use mathematical modeling to arrive at a reasonable answer....
Howard Hughes Medical Institute
Look Who's Coming for Dinner: Selection by Predation
What happens when a new predator comes to town? Learners analyze an experiment that studies the effect of predation on selection. They use real data to draw conclusions about the impact a new predator has on a prey species.
CCSS Math Activities
Smarter Balanced Sample Items: High School Math – Target P
Learn how to show data in varied ways. A PowerPoint presentation provides six questions from the high school SBAC Claim 1 Target P item specifications. It covers creating data representations, interpreting and comparing data, and...
Social Media Toolbox
Social Media Survey
Survey says ... social media is here to stay! How do the pupils in your school use social media? Using lesson four from a 16-part series, The Social Media Toolbox, learners study surveys and create their own. The resource includes...
Shodor Education Foundation
Stem and Leaf Plotter
The key is in the leaves. Pupils enter data to create a stem-and-leaf plot. The resource then displays the plot and calculates the mean, median, and mode of the data. Using the plot and the calculated measures of spread, learners analyze...
Shodor Education Foundation
Skew Distribution
Slide the class into a skewed view. Learners alter the location of the median relative to the mean of a normal curve to create a skew distribution. They compare the curve to a histogram distribution with the same skewness.
Shodor Education Foundation
Plop It!
Build upon and stack up data to get the complete picture. Using the applet, pupils build bar graphs. As the bar graph builds, the interactive graphically displays the mean, median, and mode. Learners finish by exploring the changes in...
Shodor Education Foundation
Take a look at data from a statistical lens. An interactive allows pupils to enter data set, labeling the data including the units used. Manipulating the applet, learners select the statistics to calculate that include total, mean,...
Shodor Education Foundation
Box Plot
What information can come from a box? Learners choose a data set to display as a box plot and decide whether to include the median in the calculation of the quartiles, show the outliers, and change the scale. To finish the lesson,...
Shodor Education Foundation
Overlapping Gaussians
Adjust the overlap to compare probabilities. Using sliders, learners adjust the shape of two Gaussian curves. The interactive calculates the area of the left tail for one curve and the right tail for the other. Pupils set the interactive...
Beyond Benign
Water Bottle Unit
How much plastic do manufacturers use to create water bottles each year? The class explores the number of water bottles used throughout the years to determine how many consumers will use in the future. Class members compare different...
Beyond Benign
Municipal Waste Generation
Statistically, waste may become a problem in the future if people do not take action. Using their knowledge of statistics and data representation, pupils take a look at the idea of waste generation. The four-part unit has class members...
CK-12 Foundation
Variance of a Data Set
Use variable value sliders to understand variance. The interactive shows four whole numbers, their mean and deviation. Using the information, pupils find the variance of the numbers and respond to question related to the understanding of...
CK-12 Foundation
Mode: Kittens
It is not as difficult as herding cats. The short interactive provides a group of kittens to sort according to their colors. Pupils determine the mode of the number of kittens by color. The questions continue with other numbers of...
CK-12 Foundation
Mode: Mucho Money
Generate stacks of money. Given bills of different denominations, pupils stack them based on their values. The learners figure out which value is the mode of the data and determine whether the data is unimodal, bimodal, or multimodal.
CK-12 Foundation
Mode: Boxes of Oranges
See how your data stacks up. Pupils stack crates of oranges in increasing order, creating a simple bar graph. Using the graph, individuals determine measures of center and describe the shape of the distribution. Scholars determine what...
CK-12 Foundation
Mean: Harmonic Mean
Let the means live in harmony. With lengths representing the values of a small data set, learners compare the arithmetic mean to the harmonic mean. The pupils determine which value is the most accurate representation of the average of...
CK-12 Foundation
Mean: Arithmetic Mean
How is a mean affected by changes in data? A well-designed animation allows individuals to manipulate data and watch the effect on the mean. Challenge questions help guide users to conclusions about outliers and skew within data.
Education Development Center
Interpreting Statistical Measures—Class Scores
Explore the effect of outliers through an analysis of mean, median, and standard deviation. Your classes examine and compare these measures for two groups. They must make sense of a group that has a higher mean but lower median compared...
Mathematics Vision Project
Modeling Data
Is there a better way to display data to analyze it? Pupils represent data in a variety of ways using number lines, coordinate graphs, and tables. They determine that certain displays work with different types of data and use...
Virginia Department of Education
Organizing Topic: Data Analysis
Learners engage in six activities to lead them through the process of conducting a thorough analysis of data. Pupils work with calculating standard deviations and z-scores, finding the area under a normal curve, and sampling...