CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Electromagnetic Energy in the Atmosphere
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Overview of electromagnetic radiation.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Solar Energy on Earth
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] A breakdown of the types of energy that Earth receives from the sun.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Learn: The Greenhouse Effect
A detailed overview of the greenhouse effect, with explanations about Earth's atmosphere gases referred to as greenhouse gases, and the factors that influence the heat-trapping ability of a greenhouse. All information is reinforced...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Chemistry Simulation: Neon Lights
[Free Registration/Login Required] Neon lights are a type of discharge tube. Observe how electrons create colored light in a hydrogen gas discharge tube. Can you figure out why hydrogen's emission spectrum contains more than one color of...
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Earth Science: Study of Space by the Electromagnetic Spectrum
[Free Registration/Login may be required to access all resource tools.] Overview of the electromagnetic spectrum.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Burn Baby Burn!
The students will review the concepts of electromagnetic spectrum, properties of light, and the transition from ground to excited state of electrons in atoms. In laboratory groups, the students will identify the characteristic light...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Ultraviolet Radiation
An interactive PowerPoint will be used to introduce the electromagnetic spectrum. Students use UV beads to observe changes caused by the sun's rays and evaluate sunscreen effectiveness. Harmful effects of UV exposure will be described...
Stanford University
Stanford University: Invisible Rays
This activity focuses on investigating the electromagnetic spectrum using ultraviolet beads. Students learn how material properties change as the size of the material decreases to the nanoscale.
University Corporation for Atmospheric Research
Ucar: Waves of Energy More or Less
Students create and observe wavelengths at both high and low energy levels using safety glasses, rope, and a power drill
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Light: Electromagnetic Waves, Electromagnetic Spectrum and Photons
This article discusses the properties of electromagnetic radiation and photons.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Mass Spectrometry in the Operating Room
Read this passage and study the graphic to answer the five-question quiz pertaining to mass spectrometry in the operating room.
CK-12 Foundation
Ck 12: Physics: Wave Optics Study Guide
A study guide for concepts related to wave optics.
Khan Academy
Khan Academy: Infrared and Ultraviolet/visible Spectroscopy Questions
Practice questions over infrared and ultraviolet/visible spectroscopy questions.
University of Texas at Austin
The University of Texas Mc Donald Observatory: Delta, Delta, Delta
Students learn abouT the Law of Reflection by constructing an equilateral triangle using graph paper, pencil, protractor, and a ruler and a "laser triangle" using a laser pointer and front-silvered mirrors.
Electromagnetic Spectrum: Ultraviolet Waves
Ultraviolet (UV) light has shorter wavelengths than visible light. Though these waves are invisible to the human eye, some insects can see them. The specific wavelength values are given. Uses and applications of these waves are explained.
Cosmo Learning
Cosmo Learning: Modern Surveying Techniques
A collection of video lectures from a course introducing students to modern surveying techniques. Webpage includes twelve lectures from a professor at the National Programme on Technology Enhanced Learning. Lectures vary in length and...
Number Nut: Basic Topics: Shapes, Symbols, and Colors: Colors
A short explanation of how we see color and what each of the primary and secondary colors symbolize.
York University
York University: Color and Color Vision
York University provides an index page to several other pages on the topic of color and color vision. The pages are part of an online "book." Many graphics and explanations.
University of California
Center for Science Education: Gallery
A gallery of astronomy images which depict galaxies, comets, the moon, planets, nebulae, supernovae as seen in various regions of the electromagnetic spectrum. Each image in the gallery is described. Fascinating!
Number Nut: Light and Colors
Discover the relationship between light and colors in this brief lesson. Links to related color identification activities, Color Memory Challenge and Identifying Colors Quiz. Immediate feedback given to responses that includes...
Society for Science and the Public
Science News for Students: Understanding Electromagnetic Radiation
Briefly explains the different types of radiation in the electromagnetic spectrum.
Discovery Education
Discovery Education: Physical Science
The Discovery Channel provides numerous lesson plans dealing with the physical sciences. Content is organized by grade level, but all lesson plans include suggestions for adaptations for older or younger audiences.
American Museum of Natural History
American Museum of Natural History: O Logy: Light, Matter, Energy: Light the Way
What is electromagnetic radiation and how does it work? Review a captioned graphic that explains electromagnetic radiation and the visible and invisible types of radiation on the electromagnetic spectrum.
Trinity College Dublin
The History of Mathematics: Young
A short sketch of the life and work of Thomas Young (1773-1829 CE). Traces early upbringing and education and his scientific discoveries and contributions.