Kids' World Nutrition Information: Understanding Food Labels
In order to plan a healthy diet, students must know how to read a food label. Food labels show that a food has a little or a lot of certain nutrients. Look on the side of a product to find the Nutrition Facts title, which is fully...
Florida State University
Florida State University: Biotin (Vitamin H)
This site from Flordia State University contains very brief but factual information on biotin (vitamin H). A paragraph long summary and a picture are both included.
University of Massachusetts
Nutrients in Foods: Carbohydrates
This website offers a brief discussion of the function of carbohydrates. It mentions types and definitions of the three types of carbohydrates: starch, sugar and fiber. Links to related information is provided
Zinc an Essential Mineral
This site promotes the benefits on zinc and other not so well-known minerals; calcium is best known. Discusses the importance of zinc, and the types of food zinc is found.
Eat Your Way to Five a Day!
This resource presents guidelines to follow to help you make healthy food choices and get the nutrients from fruits and vegetables that your body needs.
Diet: The Only Real Hope for Arthritis
In addition to discussing the use of a vegan diet to lower the risk of arthritis, this article also talks about diet as a means of preventing other diseases and disorders.