Ad Creating a Welcoming Classroom Environment
On a daily basis, ELLs are adjusting to new ways of saying and doing things. As their teacher, you are an important bridge to this unknown culture and school system. There are a number of things you can do to help make ELLs' transitions...
Ad Creating a College Going Culture for English Language Learners
Some English language learners may not know what to expect from the college application process. Others don't start thinking about college until their junior or senior year. One way to ensure that students are prepared to apply for...
Ad Successful Parent Teacher Conferences With Bilingual Families
How can you hold an effective parent-teacher conference with the parents of English language learners if they can't communicate comfortably in English? This article provides a number of tips to help you bridge the language gap, take...
Ad Accessing Students' Background Knowledge in the Ell Classroom
As you teach content areas to ELLs of diverse backgrounds, you may find that they struggle to grasp the content, and that they approach the content from very different perspectives. Drawing on your students' background knowledge and...
Ad What Does Research Tell Us About Teaching Reading to El Ls?
In this article, a seasoned ELL teacher synthesizes her own classroom experience and the findings of the National Literacy Panel on Language-Minority Children and Youth to make recommendations for effective literacy instruction of ELL...
Ad Communication Strategies for All Classrooms: Focusing on Ell
Concrete suggestions for teachers who want to communicate well with all of their students, especially English language learners and students with learning disabilities.
Ad Reading Comprehension Strategies for English Language Learners
Explicit teaching of reading comprehension skills will help English Language Learners apply these strategies to all subject matter.
Ad Time Is Not on Our Side: Literacy and Literature for High School El Ls
Given that teachers often have too much to teach and too little time, teacher Dana Dusbiber suggests an alternative approach to teaching literature for secondary ELLs: the introduction of more multicultural literature in the classroom.
Ad Building Trust With Schools and Diverse Families
While increased family involvement is linked to improved student performance, it is not always fully understood and examined within schools. Different types of involvement may include parenting, communicating with schools, volunteering...
Ad Como Motivar a Los Adolescentes a Leer
Si bien el hecho de que los adolescentes dispongan de solidas destrezas para la lectura es importante, a veces hacerles que lean puede convertirse en todo un desafio! He aqui algunas maneras de motivar a su adolescente a leer.
Ad Consejos Para Padres De Adolescentes Con Dificultades Para Escribir
Al graduarse de la escuela preparatoria, se espera que los estudiantes estadounidenses hayan aprendido a escribir de manera eficaz para una variedad de propositos, desde la redaccion de cartas y cuentos hasta ensayos e informes de...
Ad Como Acercarse a Los Padres De Los Estudiantes Ell
Los estudiantes que estan aprendiendo ingles (ELL) se benefician cuando sus padres participan en su educacion igual que los otros estudiantes. Algunos padres hispanos pueden sentir aprension acerca de participar debido a su limitado...
Ad Engaging Parents in Literacy Learning
Students whose parents are involved in the academic school experience tend to be good readers and are successful in school. Even for those who struggle and perhaps read below grade level, if their parents are involved in school, then...
Ad Top Tips for Engaging Dads
The U.K.'s National Literacy Trust offers ideas that schools and nonprofit organizations can implement to get fathers involved in their children's reading.
Ad Understanding Assessment Options for Idea Eligible Students
The No Child Left Behind law requires each school test students in Reading/Language Arts & Math each year in grades 3-8, and at least once more in grades 10-12. In some cases, children eligible for Individuals with Disabilities...
Ad No Child Left Behind: Options for Idea Eligible Students
If a Title I school repeatedly underperforms, federal law provides opportunities for students to change schools or obtain additional instructional support. This parent advocacy brief looks at the information parents of students with...
Ad Key Literacy Component: Fluency
Fluent readers can read text accurately, smoothly, and with good comprehension. Students who get bogged down in the mechanics of reading have trouble with this skill. With proper instruction, struggling readers can improve their fluency.
Ad Fluency: Instructional Guidelines and Student Activities
The best strategy for developing reading fluency is to provide your students with many opportunities to read the same passage orally several times. To do this, you should first know what to have your students read. Second, you should...
Ad Improve Reading Achievement for African American Students
This article includes research recommendations in the areas of standardized testing, teacher quality, after-school programs, parent involvement, reading and study skills, and computer games and simulations.
Ad African American Students and u.s. High Schools
This fact sheet, prepared by the Alliance for Excellent Education, looks at statistics related to the graduation rates and college readiness of African-American students, as well as the quality of the teachers and schools that serve them.
Ad The Evidence Suggests Otherwise: The Truth About Boys and Girls
The media has latched on to the story that American boys are falling behind girls academically and are increasingly outnumbered in college. But what do the numbers show? Referencing more than 30 years of test scores and current research,...
Ad Effective Reading Interventions for Kids With Learning Disabilities
Research-based information and advice for sizing up reading programs and finding the right one for your child with a learning disability.
Ad What Is This Thing Called Rti?
Response to Intervention (RTI) is a complex subject and states and districts have a lot of discretion with the implementation of this three-step, research-based approach to intervention and placement. Learn about some of the common...
Ad Assistive Technology for Kids With Learning Disabilities: An Overview
If your child has a learning disability, he or she may benefit from assistive technology tools that play to their strengths and work around their challenges.