New Zealand Ministry of Education
Nz Ministry of Education: Hearwaves
Students analyze the language, style, content, advertisements, of radio stations and determine their target audiences. then students create their own radio station targeting a specific audience including news, advertisements, stories,...
Pde: Sas: Identifying and Understanding Use of Testimonials in Advertising
In this activity, 8th graders analyze and compare the propaganda techniques used in informational texts, with a particular focus on the use of testimonials. Includes links to recommended resources, scaffolding suggestions, and an...
Pbs Frontline: The Persuaders
The meaning of brand, the world of today's advertisers, and the concept of neuromarketing are some of the topics of this PBS Frontline program. You can watch the whole program, join the discussion, read about the shaping of new brands,...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: 5 Core Concepts of Media Literacy
In this lesson, students will engage in multiple parts of a lesson that guide students to uncover many levels of meaning in media messages. Discussion questions and a slideshow presentation are parts of the lesson that address the...
New Zealand Ministry of Education
Nz Ministry of Education: Persuading Others
Identify the elements that make a successful TV advertisement. Identify the difference between verbal and visual features and say how they can be combined. Use the video camera to produce advertisements that show understanding of the...
New Zealand Ministry of Education
Nz Ministry of Education: As Far as the Eye Can See
View a variety of television advertisements analyzing visual and verbal features and how these are combined to communicate ideas. Write a coherent essay which expresses and argues a viewpoint about a chosen marketing strategy, linking...
TES Global
Tes: The Media: Understanding Key Media Areas
[Free Registration/Login Required] During this unit of study, students will analyze several types of advertisements. Students will analyze how authors pay attention to the language and visuals to appeal to their audiences.
Council for Economic Education
Econ Ed Link: Deceptive Advertising: Crossing the Line
Businesses use advertising to tell consumers about the goods and services they are selling. Businesses hope that their advertisements will convince people to buy their products. In this instructional activity, students examine the ground...
Pbs Teachers: Targets
Examine the reasons alcohol advertisers target young people, and interpret the "real" messages in alcohol advertising. Learn basic facts about alcohol abuse to create a factual poster about alcohol.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Advertising and Its Effects on Consumer Decision Making
This lesson will show the student the power of advertising to create demand for a product. After reviewing existing advertisements, the students will create their own campaign for a product. Following a presentation to the class as a...
Sophia Learning
Sophia: Your Turn Ad
In this persuasive media lesson, students will engage in viewing a Trix cereal advertisement and then engage in the process of "deconstruction" to analyze the use of propaganda techniques to attract customers. Then students will choose...
Read Write Think: Identifying and Understanding the Fallacies Used in Advertising
Students examine the fallacies that surround them every day, deconstruct fallacious images and messages in advertisements, and demonstrate their understanding of the fallacies through multimedia presentations.
Read Write Think: June 8, 2007: Commercial Ice Cream Is First Sold in the u.s. In
A great lesson for students to explore commercial advertising using Cass-Clay Museum Ads and ice cream. Great resource for teachers to get lesson plans about advertising.
Read Write Think: Lesson Plan: Persuasive Techniques in Advertising
During this unit, students will learn about many different advertising techniques. Students will investigate the "art of rhetoric" and analyze many print, television, and online advertisements. Using the site's online tools, groups will...
Stanford University
Sheg: Document Based History: Reading Like a Historian: Maine Explosion
[Free Registration/Login Required] Learners solve a problem surrounding a historical question by reading primary source documents. When the USS Maine exploded in Havana Harbor, triggering the Spanish-American War, the New York Times and...
Pbs: Don't Buy It Get Media Smart
PBS provides resources to help teachers encourage media literacy. Access, evaluate, and analyze electronic and print media. Dissect pop culture and advertisements. Use the Get Media Smart Resources to uncover advertising tricks, make...
Duke University
Duke University: Ad* Access
Images and database information for more than 7,000 ads printed in U.S. and Canadian newspapers and magazines between 1911 and 1955. Five main subject areas: Radio, Television, Transportation, Beauty and Hygiene, and World War II.
Library of Congress
Loc: The Branding of America
This Library of Congress resource page includes information about American brands names and products. The history of advertising as a whole as well as the history of Coca-Cola TV ads, and the beverage industry are also covered. There are...
Linguarama International: Marcus Evans: The Language of Advertising
Informtion on word choice and language in advertising, includes word lists and questions.