Do Bugs Need Drugs?: Antibiotics Guide
This non-profit organization provides information for healthcare professionals, the public, teachers, parents, children, daycares and assisted living sites.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Abpi: Infectious Diseases: Modern Medicines
An interactive, self-guided lesson on how medicine prevents and cures disease. This lesson has many descriptive animations as well diagrams to help with understanding. There is a self-checking quiz at the end of the lesson.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Should You Take Statins?
This article on looks at statins, a family of drugs prescribed to lower cholesterol.
Positive Choices: Decision Making and Problem Solving: Class Activity
The aim of this activity is to teach learners the steps involved in effective decision-making/problem-solving. This skill is a useful skill for students to learn, as it will assist learners to consider all the options that are available...
Substance Abuse & Mental Health Services Administration
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration
Current information on substance abuse with regard to many issues: military families, health, trauma and justice, public awareness and support and housing and homelessness. Also, find information on prevention of substance abuse. Many...
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Hepatitis C
This overview of hepatitis C includes information on symptoms, prevention, treatment, and the like.
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Chronic Hepatitis
Thorough overview of chronic hepatitis. Includes information on symptoms, prevention, treatment, and much more.
Remedy Health Media
Health Central: Medications
This site gives detailed profiles of over a thousand prescription drugs for a range of health conditions. Information included in each profile includes important facts, side effects, warnings, and more.
Consumer Reports: Treating Migraine Headaches With Triptans
This Consumer Reports article focuses on the use of Triptans for treating migraine headaches. It discusses the effectiveness of the drugs, who should not use them, and alternatives and generic forms of the drugs.
TED Talks
Ted: Ted Ed: Why Do Hospitals Have Particle Accelerators?
Doctors are using injected radioactive drugs that circulate through the body and act as a beacon for PET scanners. These diagnostic tools can detect the spread of diseases before they can be spotted with other types of imaging. Pedro...
Aetna Intelihealth
Aetna: Inteli Health: Hepatitis B
Intelihealth profiles hepatitis B, its symptoms, prevention, and treatment.
Pni: Insomnia in the Psychiatric Context
This site discusses the benefits of psychopharmacology and its relationship to the prevention of insomnia. Mentions types of sleeping disorders.
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: Get Smart: Know When Antibiotics Work
This particular site discusses the surge in drug-resistant bacteria, and what you can do to prevent one from using you as a petri dish.
US National Library of Medicine
Medline Plus: Leprosy
Leprosy, its causes and symptoms, and its treatment and prevention are briefly discussed on this site, provided by the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the National Institutes of Health.
US National Library of Medicine
Medline Plus: Ibuprofen Overdose
MEDLINEplus tells you what to do to prevent and treat ibuprofen overdose.
Mayo Clinic
Mayo Clinic: Vitamin B6
A detailed overview of vitamin B6. Content includes a focus on how this vitamin was discovered, its other names, its uses as a supplement, proper dosage, and the like.
Web Md: Airborne Allergens
This site from WebMD Health provides an article entitled, "Something in the Air: Airborne Allergens". Includes detailed information on why some people are allergic to certain substances, while others are not. Symptoms of airborne...
Story md.com: Cardiovascular Continuum
The significance of the cardiovascular continuum is its emphasis on prevention. By treating risk factors that occur early in the cardiovascular continuum, like hypertension, diabetes, high blood fat levels, and smoking, it may be...
PE Central
Pe Central: Pe Central: Health Lesson Idea Menu
Pecentral provides fantastic health lesson plans for teachers. The site includes a search menu which allows for category/age specific searching. Searchable topics include: alcohol, drugs, disease, community health, injury prevention,...
National Institute on Drug Abuse
Nida: About Hiv/aids
Learn about how to protect yourself from HIV/AIDS with some scientific facts.
The Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry
Abpi: Medicines to Treat Disease
A series of slide show presentations about the treatment of infectious disease. Each focuses on one aspect of fighting bacteria. Also included are interactive animations illustrating body functions and how medicines work.
Justice Learning: Zero Tolerance
Extensive information for students and teachers examining the issue of zero tolerance in schools and whether this was an ill-thought out policy. Resources include news articles, legal cases, legislation, audio files, etc. as well as...
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Centers for Disease Control: Kids' Quest: Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
What is fetal alcohol syndrome and why is it important for me to know about it? By completing this Web quest you will find out the answer to this question and hopefully be more knowledgable about fetal alcohol syndrome.
The Addiction Counselor Certification : Homepage
Students interested in a career in counseling will find a good overview to the certification requirements for the state of Oregon, along with lots of related information.
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