Google for Education: Fraction Addition and Common Denominators
Students learn how to find a common denominator between two fractions and then add or subtract the fractions. Decomposition is used to identify patterns in fractions that are relatively easy to visualize, and apply these patterns to...
Google for Education: Application and Modeling of Standard Deviation
Students examine graphs of data using each of the measures of central tendency to determine when to use each in order to get a true overview of the data.
Google for Education: Scientific Notation
Practice problems where students use the Python software to determine which way tho move decimal points when multiplying by exponents.
Google for Education: Using Data From Sensors
Students analyze data gathered from sensors and develop filtering algorithms for anomalies and outliers, then use these algorithms to make decisions on sensor data as it is being collected.
Google for Education: Continuous vs Discrete Data
When working with data, it is important to know whether it is continuous or discrete, as this will determine what calculations can be applied and what information can be extracted from it. Here, young scholars to distinguish between...
Google for Education: Randomness in Stochastic Models
In this lesson, students are introduced to methods used to create random numbers as well as ways in which they can be used in scientific experiments.
Google for Education: Sorting the World's Cities (Python)
The second of two similar lessons where students learn how a Python program can organize and sort data. When taught in conjunction with Sorting the World's Cities with Excel, students make the connection between writing a program and...
Google for Education: Writing a Story
In this activity, student storytellers write a story with each group member writing one chapter based on a set of story points. After all the members have come up with their chapters independently, the group collaborates to make the...
Google for Education: Surveys and Estimating Large Quantities
Students use estimation to approximate the size of a large set of data. By observing smaller sets and seeing patterns they make general predictions and even create algorithms capable of making approximations.
Google for Education: Mean and Standard Deviation
This lesson demonstrates to students how to use standard deviation to better understand a set of data. Students use standard deviation to determine the general pattern or shape of a given set of data to draw more reliable conclusions.
Google for Education: Mystery Word X
An exercise for students to analyze the classification of nouns and verbs. They begin by considering nouns as a person, place, or thing, and verbs as action words. Students then study more specific uses of nouns and verbs and rethink...
Google for Education: Area of a Circle
Young scholars learn to derive the formula for the area of a circle. They learn to relate a circle to a parallelogram and rectangle while learning the concept of infinity as they imagine slicing an circle into infinitesimally small slices.
Google for Education: Energy Analysis
Students collect data on energy production and consumption around the world. They input the data into a spreadsheet and use spreadsheet functions to analyze it. Finally, they upload the data into a fusion table to create a visualization.
Google for Education: Example: Patterns in the Periodic Table
A lesson plan where students examine the trends in the periodic table.
Google for Education: Percentages
This activity asks learners how to quickly and accurately calculate percent problems in our heads.
Google for Education: Indefinite Articles
Students identify a pattern in the usage of the articles 'a' and 'an' and then write an algorithm that others can follow to correctly use these two indefinite pronouns, and they identify possible exceptions the general rule.
Google for Education: Present Participle
In this example students learn two special cases for the past and present participle of verbs. They reinforce their understanding by completing a Python program to correctly conjugate special cases of verbs.
Google for Education: Energy Analysis
By creating a spreadsheet, students can learn more about energy production and consumption around the world. Students have to research the data to be analyzed in the spreadsheet. An example of the spreadsheet is given in this lesson plan.
Google for Education: Life on Minimum Wage
A game where students try to reach financial goals by working and budgeting their money. Site includes rules for games as well as playing pieces.
Google for Education: Modeling Pendulums Using Computational Thinking
In this demonstration, students learn how to use computational thinking to discover the laws which govern a pendulum's swing.
Google for Education: Modeling Gdp and Waste Using Computational Thinking
A lesson plan showing how computer programming can be used to model biological principles.
Google for Education: Model Radioactive Decay Using Computational Thinking
Through this demonstration learners will understand radioactive including its probabilistic nature and begin to see how scientists use computational thinking to model complex phenomena.
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Multimedia Careers
Students may be surprised that Computer Careers aren't all found under "Computer" in the Occupation Handbook. Students will conduct guided research of careers related to Multimedia Design and/or Multimedia Publication course objectives....
John F. Kennedy Center
The Kennedy Center: Art Lesson Plans, 9 12
Browse this selection of lesson plans for the visual arts classroom. Easy-to-use tools help you search for the kinds of plans that interest you most. Lessons are laid out in full, with supplies lists, instructional plans, assessments,...