Curated OER
Getting it Straight with Latitude and Longitude Skills
Teachers can help students learn latitude and longitude skills using games and other motivating activities.
Latitude and Longitude Differentiated Lesson Plan
Scholars warm-up their map skills with a discussion using location words to describe familiar places. An engaging video informs class members about latitude and longitude. Three leveled activities extend the learning experience for...
Kate Stickley
Reading the World: Latitude and Longitude Lesson latitude and longitude, maps, coordinates on a map, prime meridian, reading maps, equator, globes
Find five activities all about longitude and latitude! Use oranges to show the equator and prime meridian, plot birthdays on a map using coordinates, and plan a dream vacation.
Curated OER
Where in the Latitude Are You? A Longitude Here.
Students distinguish between latitude and longitude on the map. In this mapping lesson, students participate in mapping skills to recognize spatial relationships, and where to find natural resources on the map. Students create...
Curated OER
Where in the World? :Understanding Latitude and Longitude
Students play a grid-based game and devise clues to help classmates locate spots on the globe in order to recognize the value of using longitude and latitude for identifying locations.
Curated OER
Blank Jeopardy
Games are a great way to motivate learners to internalize information.. Using this PowerPoint which is in a Jeopardy format, students can review map skills and facts about the Civil War, famous places, and our government. This is a handy...
Curated OER
Broken-Heart Matching Game
Students use this fun game to practice, reinforce, or apply a wide variety of skills around Valentine's Day. Each students receives half a heart with zig-zag cuts made of pink construction paper with a piece of information. Their job is...
Curated OER
Students identify and analyze map symbols and map grids by completing various worksheets and creating their own map using these skills. Students identify and analyze what latitude and longitude are on a map to play a game of Bingo....
Curated OER
Where in The World Am I?
Students explore the concept of absolution location. In this geography skills lesson, students discuss how to identify and locate latitude and longitude. Students play a game to reinforce the skills.
Curated OER
Latitude and Longitude
Learners find latitude and longitude on a map or atlas. They create maps with a cruise route. They practice plotting locations given latitiude and longitude.
Ocean Exploration
Where am I? The second installment of a 23-part NOAA Enrichment in Marine sciences and Oceanography (NEMO) program starts with pupils guessing the years in which major ocean exploration events took place. The lesson then focuses on how...
Curated OER
Latitude & Longitude Bingo
Learners practice map reading skills through a reinforcement game of bingo. They select any 24 of 30 listed cities to write on blank bingo cards. Then using atlases, locate a city based on the latitude and longitudinal coordinates...
Curated OER
Hopi Running
Students identify why the Hopi tribe practiced running as it relates to health, delivering messages, defeating other tribes, and for ceremonial events. In this social studies lesson plan, students use maps to identify latitude and...
ESL Kid Stuff
English language learners celebrate the seasons with games, songs, and readings.
Curated OER
Baseball Challenge - Basic Geography Skills
A fabulous presentation/activity based on geography. The author has designed a "baseball game" where batters advance to the next base if they correctly answer a multiple choice question about geography. Geographic terms are used, along...
University of California
Seasons Lab Book
Unlock the mystery behind seasonal change with a collection of worksheets and activities. Whether they are drawing pictures of Earth's orbit around the sun or graphing the temperature and daylight hours of different locations...
Curated OER
Map Coordinate Bingo
Students play a bingo-type game to locate cities by coordinates. They explain the use of orientation on a map and identify cities in the western hemisphere. They compare road maps, shutttle images, and a CIR image and obtain an...
Curated OER
Baseball Challenge: Social Studies TCAP
Using a baseball theme, this presentation provides a review of social studies topics covered in sixth grade. Students play a game in which they score based on the answers to various questions involving Ancient Rome, Ancient Greece, map...
Curated OER
Research Cruise Scavenger Hunt
Students track the research cruise of the Ronald H. Brown from San Diego to the Galapagos Islands. They match research groups with the key words, using the ship's daily logs to find the answers.
Curated OER
An Age of Exploration
Students investigate U.S. history by examining North American timelines. In this American exploration lesson plan, students research the events that led to Columbus finding America and participate in a jeopardy game regarding his...
Curated OER
Our 50 States
Students identify the location of the 50 states using an interactive map. They practice geography skills by playing a fun game. Pupils become familiar with the state abbreviations for the US states. Students become familiar with the...
Curated OER
Graphing on a Coordinate Plane
Eighth graders explore the coordinate system. They identify the x and y-axis, parts of the coordinate plane, and discuss the process of plotting points. To emphasize the process of plotting points, 8th graders play an ordered pair...
Curated OER
Walking on Maps
Students are introduced to the various types of maps and their functions. As a class, they play a game similar to twister to review map concepts. They answer questions about the map and use the internet to view larger maps of the world.
Curated OER
The Bread of the Sandwich
Students create relief maps of Canada and Mexico out of everyday objects like dried macaroni, dry rice, sand, etc. They create a clue card for a location game and try to stump their classmates. They host a travel fair to display their...