It's About Time
Solutions, Suspensions, and Colloids
Chemists are frequently in suspension, but not because they misbehave! Scholars mix various items with water to create solutions, suspensions, and colloids. They test each one to determine their differences and properties. The resource...
It's About Time
Run and Jump
Has your class wondered how fast a human could run or how high they are capable of jumping? Help them understand these concepts as they explore acceleration and use an accelerometer to make semiquantitative measurements of acceleration...
K5 Learning
Robert Fulton – Steamboat Inventor
Examine the life of steamboat inventor, Robert Fulton, through reading comprehension worksheet that includes both multiple choice and short answer questions. Then, take part in a word search and write definitions, words, and...
Packets and Making a Reliable Internet
That's not what I said! My message did not arrive in the correct order! Introduce the concept of packets and the transmission control protocol used to send and receive information over the Internet. The class participates in an...
Practice PT - Tell a Data Story
Show your class how it all comes together. The last lesson in a unit of 15 has individuals take everything they learned in the data section to analyze the class-generated data. The pupils find a story they want to tell that appeals to...
Texteam Geometry Institute
Geometry for the High School Classroom
What does it mean for apples to have chirality? This and other explorations in geometry, such as tiling the plane, boxing a tetrahedron, and investigating Euclid's Characteristic, are included in this resource on Euclidean geometry....
Beauty and Joy of Computing
Sprite Drawing and Interaction
Discover how to program objects to move on a screen. In the second lab of a five-part unit, each learner uses block instructions to program a sprite to follow their mouse (cursor). They investigate how to use these same block...
Chicago Botanic Garden
Recent Weather Patterns
Decide whether weather is changing! A two-part activity first challenges classes to review the differences between weather and climate. Once finished, individuals then analyze historical data to determine if climate change is happening...
Voice of America
Henry Ford, 1863-1947: He Revolutionized the Auto Industry
How did Henry Ford change the world? One word: automobile. After reading a two-page passage about Henry Ford's contributions to society with the invention of the automobile, readers respond to a series of 10 reading comprehension...
Beyond Benign
Can You Hear Me Now? Cell Phone Accounts
How sustainable are cell phones? Throughout the unit, learners explore the issues around cell phones concerning sustainability. Class members take a graphical look at the number of cell phones across the world using a box-and-whisker...
Campaign Endorsement Project
So many politicians, so many endorsements! Learn to differentiate between facts as well as the process of endorsements with an informative resource. Class members watch current endorsement videos, research candidates from three different...
California Department of Education
Possible Careers
Is a STEM career the right choice for me? Lesson four in a six-part career and college readiness series introduces seventh graders to the world of STEM occupations. Individuals use their Holland code results to select, research, and...
Prestwick House
Wuthering Heights
How many ways can you break down a classic novel? Based on the acclaimed Romantic-period novel by Emily Bronte, the Wuthering Heights activity pack includes a pre-reading exercise. Next, learners create a resume for one of the...
Concord Consortium
Graphing Elements
How do you graph a sentence? Scholars do just that as they represent relationships between independent and dependent variables with a graphical representation. Given a sentence, they determine the pertinent relationship and create a...
Southern Illinois University
Subject-Verb Agreement
Your writing lessons may be all about solid arguments, but in grammar, it's all about agreement! Learners practice identifying proper and improper verb form in a activity focused on subject-verb agreement and indefinite pronouns.
Functions and Parameters
Let's hope your program functions correctly. An informative and fun lesson plan teaches pupils about functions and parameters, both in the real world and in computer coding. A set of activities challenges them to apply their newfound...
Reed Novel Studies
Flush: Novel Study
Standing up for beliefs sometimes leads to trouble! The father in Flush takes knows this all too well when he sinks a boat in protest to its illegal dumping. With his dad behind bars, the son, Noah, takes matters into his hands by...
Stephen F. Austin State University, College of Fine Arts
The Ugly Duckling
It's not about what you look like on the outside! A study guide for the stage adaptation of The Ugly Duckling reminds learners that being cruel to those in need is not helpful—and that we all belong somewhere.
Rhythm in Poetry: More Than Two Feet
Want to put some feet in your head? Check out an online lesson about spondees, dactyls, and anapests to bring new structure to your poetic forms.
What do Mike Tyson, Ellen DeGeneres, and Paul McCartney have in common? They're all famous vegetarians. Using the resource, scholars learn about the pros and cons of eating a vegetarian diet. They read a fascinating history of...
Teaching Tolerance
Poetry and Storytelling Café
Academics take turns as actors in an engaging poetry cafe. Elementary learners work in small groups to create original poems or stories addressing community issues and read their work in front of a live audience. Scholars also reflect...
American Museum of Natural History
Gusty: The Gut Microbiome Card Game
Build up your gut. Groups up to four play a card game to learn more about the microbiome in the gut. Learners try to build a healthy gut with their cards. The player acquiring six microbes without any pathogens wins the game.
Mid-Unit 3 Assessment, Part II: Organizing Notes for a Public Speech
It's all a matter of opinion! Pupils take Part II of the mid-unit assessment, in which they continue organizing their notes in preparation for writing an opinion speech. Using the resource, they add reasons, evidence, and a concluding...
Learning Station
Audience Appeal
In this writing worksheet, students learn that authors create books aimed at a particular audience of a certain age and interest. Learners read the names of 10 kinds of books and write the name of someone they think would enjoy it, and why.
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