Lesson Plan
Texas Education Agency (TEA)

Investigating Careers - Sign Me Up!

For Teachers 7th - 8th Standards
Extra, extra, learn all about it! Students view posters, brochures, and other resources to discover the extracurricular activities offered in the school and community. They also write a self-reflection sharing their knowledge about the...
Lesson Plan

Applying Research Skills: “Rachel Carson: Environmentalist and Writer”

For Teachers 6th Standards
It's important to cite sources! Scholars take a closer look at their research about DDT by examining how to cite sources. Learners take turns sharing information that would be used to cite sources to complement Rachel Carson:...
Lesson Plan
National Woman's History Museum

Red Power Prevails : The Activism, Spirit, and Resistance of Native American Women

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Native American women powered the American Indian Movement and other social changes, but they are often forgotten by history books. Examining a series of resources, including a documentary film, photographs, secondary sources, and social...
Lesson Plan
Academy of American Poets

Teach This Poem: "In cold spring air" by Reginald Gibbons

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Reginald Gibbons' poem "In cold spring air" provides learners with a chance to develop their noticing skills. As a warm-up, class members watch Paul McCartney's video singing "Blackbird" and note words and phrases that stand out. They...
Lesson Plan
Academy of American Poets

Teach This Poem: "Maps" by Yesenia Montilla

For Teachers 6th - 12th
After examining a physical map of the world, learners conduct a close reading of Yesenia Montilla's poem "Maps." They note the interesting words and phrases, the way the poem is structured, and list questions they might have. After...
Lesson Plan
Academy of American Poets

Teach This Poem: “In This Place (An American Lyric)” by Amanda Gorman

For Teachers 6th - 12th
Amanda Gorman, the United States's first National Youth Poet Laureate, is featured in a resource from the Academy of American Poets. Class members first read Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.'s "I Have A Dream" speech and note what King wanted...
Lesson Plan

Reviewing Visual Elements of a Graphic Novel: Max Axiom

For Teachers 5th Standards
Pass the tea! Using the resource, scholars participate in a Tea Party protocol to analyze text and images about inventions that helped meet societal demands. After sharing their observations with each other, they discuss visual elements...
Lesson Plan
Health Smart Virginia

Walk A Mile in Their Shoes

For Teachers 10th
After watching a presentation that describes the difference between sympathy and empathy, class members fill out an empathy shoe organizer sharing 10 facts about themselves that others may not know. The goal is to create a more accepting...
Lesson Plan
Health Smart Virginia

Cyber Tattoo

For Teachers 9th
Designed to inform high school freshmen about the ramifications of sharing personal information through social media, this lesson focuses on sexting. Investigators first check the validity of websites using a Website Evaluation Tool....
Lesson Plan

Whole Class Model Letter Writing, Introduction: Opinion, Reasons, and Evidence about Jackie Robinson’s Legacy

For Teachers 5th Standards
Sharing is caring! Using the collaborative activity, scholars engage in a shared writing process with the teacher. Working together, they compose opinion letters about Jackie Robinson's legacy. 
Lesson Plan

Whole Class Model Letter Writing: Organizing Reasons and Evidence and Using Transition Words

For Teachers 5th Standards
Where's the evidence? Scholars practice ordering the evidence and reasons for their class opinion papers by physically sorting them. Next, they work collaboratively to write a body paragraph, using linking words to connect their ideas...
Lesson Plan

End of Unit Assessment, Part 2: Research and Response

For Teachers 5th Standards
Talk it out. Scholars complete part two of the assessment by participating in a World Café discussion activity. Learners circulate the room, sharing their ideas and thoughts about Canada's natural resources using quotes and paraphrasing...
Lesson Plan

Stereotypes: Identifying One Form of Bias

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Class members brainstorm a list of people in the news (immigrants, millennials, etc.). Teams then select one to research. Using the provided worksheet and guided by a list of questions, the teams examine the stereotypes in news reports...
Lesson Plan
Academy of American Poets

Teach This Poem: “Making History” by Marilyn Nelson

For Teachers 3rd - 8th Standards
What makes an event newsworthy, worth a reference in a news magazine or textbook? Who decides? These are questions Marilyn Nelson asks readers of her poem "Making History" to consider. To begin, class members list details they notice in...
Lesson Plan
Academy of American Poets

On Marilyn Nelson's Poem “1905”

For Teachers 6th - 12th Standards
Marilyn Nelson's poem, "1905," asks young scholars to compare and contrast George Washington Carver and Albert Einstein. After studying images of the two scientists and listing their observations, class members listen to several readings...
Lesson Plan

A Multimodal Approach To Edgar Allan Poe Using Drawing To Understand An Author's Style

For Teachers 8th Standards
True! Poe's "The Tell-Tale Heart" makes readers nervous. But how? Young scholars create a drawing while listening to a reading of Poe's eerie tale to understand how writers create the mood of their stories and what their writing style...
Lesson Plan

Brushstrokes: Communication/Using Descriptive Language

For Teachers 7th - 11th Standards
Sometimes a picture reflects a thousand descriptive words. To illustrate the importance of sensory words in descriptive writing, scholars listen to a song and craft a painting in response. After sharing their work with the class,...
Lesson Plan

Lord of the Flies Unit, Lesson 1: I'm A Survivor

For Teachers 9th - 10th Standards
What three readily available things would you grab in case of an emergency? That's the question that launches a unit study of William Golding's The Lord of the Flies. After sharing their choices, class members read Golding's rationale...
Lesson Plan

Whose Manifest Destiny? Westward Expansion

For Teachers 9th - 12th
Your land is my land! Young historians investigate the concept of Manifest Destiny used by the United States government to justify western expansion. Jigsaw groups read primary source documents to gain an understanding of the movement...
Lesson Plan

That Which We Call a Rose: Connotation and Denotation in Romeo and Juliet

For Teachers 9th Standards
Words carry weight. And some words carry baggage. Scholars learn the difference in a study of connotation and denotation. Individuals sort the cards into three groupings using words from Shakespeare's play. After sharing within groups,...
Lesson Plan
Anti-Defamation League

Sneakers and Prejudice: Letters to Challenge Bias

For Teachers 3rd - 5th Standards
After learning that NBA player Stephen Curry's shoes only come in boys' sizes, Riley wrote a letter sharing her concern, highlighting the gender bias and inviting Curry to take action. Scholars view a news clip, review the letters,...
Lesson Plan

Grade 12 ELA Module 1: Unit 1, Lesson 28

For Teachers 12th Standards
After discussing Haley's techniques in his conclusion of The Autobiography of Malcolm X, class time is devoted to drafting, sharing, and getting feedback on writers' college essays.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

One-digit Division

For Teachers 3rd
Young mathematicians read the book, The Doorbell Rang. They examine the necessity of division in everyday life, such as cooking and sharing. They use paper cookies to construct equivalent sets.
Lesson Plan
Curated OER

Conflict Mediation - Part 2: Practice

For Teachers 4th
Fourth graders work in small groups and try the mediation process, taking turns as mediators and disputants. They discuss and review the handouts over the concepts of mediation. Students volunteer to participate in the class role-play.