Texas Education Agency
Texas Gateway: Teaching: Prewriting and Planning Personal Narratives
This lesson focuses on prewriting and planning a personal narrative. The information can be used in all types of writing. It discusses brainstorming ideas, narrowing the focus, and developing the central idea. W.9-10.5 Writing Process,...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: W.3.3: Write Narratives to Develop Real or Imagined Experiences
Links to 47 lessons and activities that build student skills in standard W.3.3: Write Narratives to develop real or imagined experiences or events using effective technique, descriptive details, and clear event sequences.
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Tie It Up With Transition Words to Write a Story!
Read, write, and present a digital narrative with transition words to help us put the events in order! After modeling the instructional activity, groups of students will write narratives to recount a short sequence of events, they will...
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Graphic Organizers for Teaching Writing
This Daily Teaching Tools collection provides graphic organizers for writing. Elaborate graphic organizers for the following areas are provided: persuasive essays, expository essays, paragraph writing, fiction pieces, narrative writing,...
Read Write Think: Peer Review: Narrative
Excellent lesson that teaches a new and more relevant way of conducting a peer review. Through the PQP (Praise-Question-Polish) process students gain a greater understanding of how to review others' work as well as improve their own...
Rock and Roll Hall of Fame
Rock & Roll Hall of Fame: Lesson 50: Using Music to Teach Personal Narrative
The personal narrative, apart from appearing as an option in the writing component of many state assessment tests, is a form of writing which allows students the chance to reflect seriously and honestly on important events in their own...
Rick Beach
Teaching Literature to Adolescents, 2nd Edition: Chapter 7: Activities
The textbook entitled Teaching Literature to Adolescents, 2nd Edition contains activities for Chapter 7 reflection. Intended for teachers, this site contains activities that will extend the content from the Chapter 7. Focus of the...
Online Writing Lab at Purdue University
Purdue University Owl: Fiction Writing Basics
This resource discusses some terms and techniques that are useful to the beginning and intermediate fiction writer, and to instructors who are teaching fiction at these levels. W.11-12.3a Narratives
Read Write Think: Character Clash: A Mini Lesson on Paragraphing and Dialogue
Contains plans for a minilesson that teaches about proper dialogue format while writing, specifically paragraphing. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as well as...
Teach Engineering: Metamorphosis Stories of Change
The goal of this activity is for students to learn how to tell a story in order to make a complex topic (such as global warming or ozone holes) easier for a reader to grasp. Students realize that the narrative impulse underlies even...
Can Teach
Can Teach: Word by Word a Story Game
For grades 1 to 3, this game has students write a story by focusing on the word choice.
New Zealand Ministry of Education
Nz Ministry of Education: Fairy Tales
After studying the structure of narratives through fairy tales, students will plan and write their own fairy tales using a narrative planning sheet (see learning task 2). Children will write their own fairy tale, stopping to share,...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Pay It Forward
Recalling an act of kindness helps students practice narration skills. The teacher will read "Because Brian Hugged His Mother" and discuss the idea of "paying it forward" as a class. Then students will write and draw about a time when...
Read Write Think: Narrative Pyramid
A printable narrative pyramid where students can record information about a story including the character, setting, problem, main events, and solution. Directions on how to use this type of graphic organize as well as lists of teaching...
Love To Know Media
Your Dictionary: Lesson Plans on Writing Short Stories
This lesson focuses on teacher preparation of lesson plans before attempting to teach students to write short stories. It includes questions to ask yourself, ideas for activities, and a sample lesson plan.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: Story Maps
This Daily Teaching Tools resource provides six story-map graphic organizers.
Abc: Narrative Art
Art analysis can lead to a better understanding of the artist's intentions. This lesson plan teaches ways to "read" a painting and find meaning in a narrative work of art.
The English Teacher
Teacher2b.com: The English Teacher: The Odyssey: Writing Test
In this lesson plan, students write a journal entry from the viewpoint of one of the following characters from the Odyssey: Telemakhos, Penelope, Eurykleia the nurse, Antinoos (a suitor), and the goddess Athena.
Daily Teaching Tools
Daily Teaching Tools: 10 Graphic Organizers for Download
These graphic organizers will engage students in planning strategies for writing assignments. Students will participate in planning stories and critiques via story maps and critique planning sheets.
TES Global
Tes: Prose: Short Stories
[Free Registration/Login Required] In this downloadable learning module, students will write a short story. Students will refer to the grading rubric to help them self-assess their writings. Students will revise and edit
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Nature's Fury: Performance Task Continued
In this lesson, 5th graders develop narratives by describing characters and creating a logical event sequence. This is part of a larger unit but can be taught separately.
New Zealand Ministry of Education
Nz Ministry of Education: Fools and Tricksters in Literature
There are many trickster folk tales in folklore and in modern literature; they are found in every culture. They often use an animal that represents the underdog, which uses skill and cunning to outwit a superior. These stories have been...
Austin Independent School District
Austin Independent School District: Children's Book Titles to Teach Traits [Pdf]
A list of children's book titles and authors that offer good examples for students to follow when learning to write both narrative and expository texts. Being arranged according to the six traits of good writing makes it easy to find the...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Mary Wore Her Red Dress
Learners will be able to write and illustrate a personal narrative after listening to the story "Mary Wore a Red Dress". Samples of student work are included.