Pbs: News Hour Extra: Teachers: Science
Excellent teacher resources for current events in the world of science. Sift through many thorough and engaging lesson plans. Lessons are accompanied by videos or other supplemental documentation.
Wnet: Thirteen: Ed Online: What Do Inquiry Based Lesson Plans Look Like?
Inquiry-based lesson plans are usually referred to as "facilitation plans," to help teachers remember their role as facilitator of learning, rather than fount of all wisdom. The notion also helps teachers structure lessons more loosely...
Pbs Learning Media: Small Business
This video from Wide Angle profiles Rwanda's new economy through the small business of Epiphanie Mukashyaka, a woman widowed by recent genocide.
Pbs Learning Media: Simple Solutions
Amy Smith is an engineer who designs simple and inexpensive solutions to real-world problems. This video produced for Teachers' Domain features her innovative design for testing the safety of drinking water in the developing world.
Pbs Learning Media: Taking a Stand
This teacher lesson has the students explore discrimination and segregation and its impact on the Civil Rights movement. It begins by having the children look at rules and laws in society and then examine historical examples of...
Pbs Learning Media: Principal Empowerment
Schools will improve when principals are given the autonomy to make decisions that best solve their school-based problems. Coupled with this autonomy is the accountability to produce significant improvement. The upper level bureaucracy...
Pbs Learning Media: Principal as Instructional Leader
The key role of the principal is instructional leader. However, there are many pressures that prevent principals from getting into classrooms to help teachers build their instructional capacity. The traditional time-consuming observation...
Pbs Learning Media: Ongoing Support
Principals need support, not only in their early years, but throughout their careers. Support and encouragement can come from networks of principals who meet regularly to share problems and solutions and reflect on their practice....
Pbs Learning Media: Teacher Leaders and Teacher Teams
Leadership preparation begins with early and meaningful opportunities for teachers to lead. The traditional span of control in schools with one principal supervising scores of teachers is outdated and no longer functional. Distributed...
Pbs Kids: Super Why: Princess Presto Spectacular Sounds Bingo
In this bingo game, listen for the sounds of the letters and click on the correct letter; when you have completed all the letters, a picture is revealed.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah! Games in Videos: Cowboys and Librarians
Watch what happens when Noah heads to the library but ends up on a ranch; learn the Spanish words for kitchen appliances and shapes.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah! Games in Videos: Breaking the Ice
See what happens when Noah mistakenly heads off to the arctic to find a polar bear and learn the Spanish words for drinks, and warm clothes.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah! Games in Videos: I Say Tomato
See what happens when Noah confuses the Spanish words for newspaper and tomato, and learn the Spanish words for items in a purse and vegetables.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah!: Games in Videos: Hammer Time!
Watch the video to see what happens when Noah thinks the Spanish word for hammer means dog and learn the Spanish words for a variety of tools.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah!: Games in Videos: A Whale Tale
Find out how Noah ends up in the mouth of a whale, and learn the Spanish words for some sea creatures and some sea trash.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah!: Games in Videos: Monkey Biz
See what happens when Noah thinks the Spanish word for banana means monkey, and learn the Spanish words for some furniture and zoo animals.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah!: Games in Videos: Goodbye Kitty
See what happens when Noah misunderstands the Spanish word for a kitty for a lion, and learn the Spanish words for gardening items and eating utensils.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah! Games in Videos: Out on a Limb
Learn the Spanish words for some fruits and vegetables in this games in video.
Pbs Kids: Oh Noah! Games in Videos: The Red Balloon
Watch the video and play the games to learn Spanish words for colors and vehicles as you play.
Pbs Learning Media: Woodrow Wilson: Win the Election of 1912
In this interactive feature, you'll get the chance to form your own political party and try your hand at winning the Presidential Election of 1912. The election of 1912 featured four candidates: Woodrow Wilson, William Howard Taft,...
Pbs Learning Media: Solar Racing
This is an extensive project in designing and building a solar-powered car model. Students must make detailed calculations and design decisions about wheel size, gear ratio, how to get the most energy from the sun, air drag, friction,...
Pbs Learning Media: Looking for Lincoln: Looking for Lincoln During the Civil War
Using interactives and videos, this lesson explores the unique challenges Lincoln faced during the five years of bloody civil war which made him America's greatest but most controversial wartime leader.
Pbs Learning Media: Looking for Lincoln Throughout His Life
In this two-part lesson, learners gather facts about Lincoln through a variety of hands-on activities. They will tell a story about their own lives by selecting classroom objects then create a timeline of Lincoln's life and their own.
Pbs Learning Media: Photo Gallery: Significant Abolitionists
Learn about the countless people who made important contributions to the abolitionist movement to end slavery. In this photo gallery from American Experience, explore some of these leaders and their vocations.