Lesson Plan

The Birth of an Icon: Learning and Performing the Origins of the Drum Set and Early Jazz Drumming in New Orleans, Louisiana

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet

Bass drum, snare drum, tom-toms, cymbals. Perched behind their drum sets, wielding their drum sticks and wire brushes, drummers lay the grove and are the heartbeat of a band's performance. A dynamic lesson plan introduces young musicians to the history of the drum set, its origins in New Orleans, and its role in early jazz. And the beat goes on.

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Instructional Ideas
  • If using in social studies classes, invite a member of the music department to participate in the lesson
Classroom Considerations
  • Most appropriate for instruments music classes
  • Requires extra prep time to locate and copy materials
  • Class members need access to drum sets as well as to computers with internet
  • The 12-page packet includes a richly detailed plan, primary source images, and links to a multitude of videos and audio tracks
  • None