Lesson Plan

Launching the End of Unit Assessment: Drafting Literary Analysis

For Teachers 6th Standards
Is there a connection? Scholars work to write a summary and theme to connect The Lightning Thief and myth of Cronus. They begin by looking at a model essay and then work on their own drafts. 
Lesson Plan

Building Writing Skills: Receiving Feedback and Varying Sentence Structures

For Teachers 6th Standards
Everyone is good at something. Scholars receive their mid-unit assessments with feedback. They look over their papers and write their strengths as a writer and goals on index cards. The class then has a mini lesson in using sentence...
Lesson Plan

Determining Theme: Reading Myths in “Expert Groups”

For Teachers 6th Standards
Leave it to the experts. Scholars work in expert groups to analyze new myths. Each group is assigned to become an expert on either The Fates, The Story of Medusa and Athena, or Theseus and the Minotaur. They answer questions and...
Lesson Plan

Planning for Writing: Introduction and Conclusion of a Literary Analysis

For Teachers 6th Standards
It's all about the introduction. Scholars work on the introductory paragraph for their essays, connecting the theme of a myth and The Lightning Thief. They use a graphic organizer to help focus their work and then move to working on the...
Lesson Plan

Planning for Writing: Revisiting “Key Elements of Mythology” and Determining a Theme in the Myth of Cronus

For Teachers 6th Standards
Refresh my memory please. Scholars quickly read over the Myth of Cronus to refresh their memories of the story. They then get in groups and write parts of the myth on sticky notes that relate to the elements of mythology, sticking their...
Lesson Plan

Connecting the Theme of the Expert Group Myth to a Theme in The Lightning Thief and to Life Lessons

For Teachers 6th Standards
Expert groups discuss the theme of their myths and the life lessons people learn from it. They then regroup their triads so that there is a pupil from each expert myth group and share details about their myths. The class also talks about...
Lesson Plan

Mid-Unit 2 Assessment: Writing an Analytical MiniEssay about Mythological Elements and Theme

For Teachers 6th Standards
Two is company. Scholars pair up to continue their mini essay writing from the previous lesson. They work on their introduction and conclusion paragraphs and then trade partners for peer feedback and a fresh set of eyes on their work....
Lesson Plan

Drafting an Analytical Mini-Essay: Using Partner Talk and Graphic Organizers to Guide Thinking

For Teachers 6th Standards
Moving on up ... Scholars take a look at how the author of the model essay Elements of Mythology and Theme of Cronus moved up in the writing process from a graphic organizer to an essay. After walking through the writing process of the...
Lesson Plan

Analyzing Details in “Prometheus” for Elements of Mythology and Theme

For Teachers 6th Standards
Well isn't that clever? Scholars read Prometheus, a tale describes the clever Greek god and trickster. They tune into details and complete graphic organizers that reveal the theme of the text. 
Lesson Plan

Analyzing the Model Analytical Mini-Essay: “Elements of Mythology and Theme of Cronus”

For Teachers 6th Standards
It's time to make a claim. Scholars learn what it means to make a claim by first looking at a model analytical mini-essay to determine how the author relayed ideas. Pupils then work with partners to discuss how the author might have...
Lesson Plan

Writing with Evidence: Percy and the Hero’s Journey (Chapter 7)

For Teachers 6th Standards
Read, set, write! Scholars participate in the first fully independent writing task of the unit as they write about how Percy’s experience in The Lightning Thief aligns with The Hero’s Journey. To begin their writing, they complete a...
Lesson Plan
Penguin Books

One for the Murphys by Lynda Mullaly Hunt - Teacher's Guide

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Children in foster care face a lot of uncertainty in their lives. A guide for the novel One for the Murphys introduces a main character, Carley, who is thrust into the foster care system. Chapter-by-chapter questions cover key...
Unit Plan
Louisiana Department of Education

Out of the Dust

For Teachers 6th Standards
The Grapes of Wrath may be the most famous novel set during the Dust Bowl, but what other stories cover the same time? The unit focuses on the Karen Hesse novel Out of the Dust. Learners keep a timeline of the Dust Bowl, maintain a...
Unit Plan

Scaffolding Methods for Research Paper Writing

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Rome wasn't built in a day, but researchers can be with proper scaffolding. This writing unit has scholars write a research paper through scaffolding of various parts of the process. Learners begin with identifying a topic and crafting a...
Unit Plan

Biography Project: Research and Class Presentation

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
I Have A Dream ... that after the lesson, all individuals master the reading, writing, researching, listening, and speaking skills the biography project helps them develop. Martin Luther King, Jr. serves as a topic example for a model...
Unit Plan
Indiana Department of Education

Amusement of the Future

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Take your class on the ride of their lives! Physical science scholars get an in-depth look at potential and kinetic energies in an amusement park-themed unit. Students research, design, and promote their own amusement parks,...
Lesson Plan
Tech Museum of Innovation

Launch It!

For Teachers 4th - 8th Standards
Launch a activity on flight with a challenging resource that asks scholars to first brainstorm and test ways to move a ping pong ball with given materials, then apply the results to design a launcher for them.
Unit Plan
Curated OER

Build Your Dream Science Lab

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Would your ideal science lab be filled with bubbling beakers and zapping Tesla coils? Or would it contain state-of-the-art computer technology and data analysis? Dream big with an innovative lesson that connects math and language...
Lesson Plan
Civil War Trust

Contrasting the North and South before the War

For Teachers 6th - 8th Standards
Learners create a standing cube with four panels that display information on the North and South's economy, geography and climate, society, and means of transportation before the Civil War. Through discussion and reading...
Unit Plan
Louisiana Department of Education


For Teachers 6th Standards
Accompany a novel study of Hatchet by Gary Paulson with a unit consisting of 16 lessons focused on physical and emotional survival. Reading the story along with a variety of informational texts, scholars compare and contrast reading...
Class Antics

Leap Year: Write a Newspaper Article

For Students 3rd - 6th Standards
Extra! Extra! Read all about leap year! Here, scholars write a newspaper article all about leap year/leap day from given facts including who, what, where, when, and why.
Lesson Plan
Nancy Fetzer's Literacy Connections

Expository Paragraph

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Upper elementary and middle school writers learn how to craft an expository paragraph by following the six steps detailed in a 48-page instructional guide. Learners learn how to write six different types of informational paragraphs:...
Curated OER

Create Your Own Country Project

For Teachers 5th - 8th Standards
Young scholars demonstrate their knowledge of geography with this fun, collaborative social studies project. Working in small groups, students develop their very own countries, writing descriptions...
Lesson Plan
Berkshire Museum

Backyard Rocks

For Teachers 2nd - 6th Standards
You don't have to travel far to learn about rocks, just step outside, pick up a stone, and begin investigating. After taking a class walk around the school grounds collecting rocks, young scientists practice their skills of observation...