Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Selling Our Nation's Symbols on Ebay!
Learners will write for a specific purpose in this cross-curricular lesson regarding our nation's landmarks and symbols.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: American Flag History
In this cross-curricular activity, students create a trading card based on the symbols of the American flag, or any other national landmark. Writing for a specific purpose helps students carefully select their word choice.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unique Metaphor Collections
In this lesson plan, the first chapter of the novel Girl with a Pearl Earring is used as a mentor text. Students will identify metaphors and then create their own unique metaphorical descriptions that they will begin to collect in their...
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 3: Lose and Loose
Test your understanding of the words "lose" and "loose" by choosing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 4: Lose and Loose
Test your understanding of the words "lose" and "loose" by typing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 5: Loss and Lost
Test your understanding of the words "loss" and "lost" by typing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 6: Who and Whom
Test your understanding of the words "who" and "whom" by choosing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 7: Who and Whom
Test your understanding of the words "who" and "whom" by typing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 8: Whoever and Whomever
Test your understanding of the words "whoever" and "whomever" by typing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 11: To, Too, and Two
Test your understanding of the words "to," "too," and "two" by choosing the word that best completes each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Word Choice: Exercise 12: To, Too, and Two
Test your understanding of the words "to," "too," and "two" by typing the words in the boxes to complete each of the twenty sentences. Immediate feedback on answers is provided and a percentage score is tallied throughout the quiz.
Grammarly Handbook: Writing Concisely
This page compares wordy writing to a art gallery cluttered with a mixture of great works and poor attempts making it hard to see the great works. Remove the clutter, write concisely so the reader gets the point of the paper. It offers...
Mo Dept. Of Ed.: Analyzing and Evaluating Literary Works
Lesson plan designed for eleventh graders. Students analyze and evaluate a short story for elements of literary works such as theme, mood, word choice, imagery, tone, and main idea. Includes a student handout and a scoring guide. It...
Writing About Holidays
Discover how to write about the holidays when you explore this lesson plan. Students will have an opportunity to identify their audience.
Shoreline Community College: Formal Properties of Literature
As students become more aware of text complexity, an understanding of the formal properties of literature becomes more important. This is an excellent examination of the kinds of choices writers make that change the way readers receive...
Alabama Learning Exchange
Alex: Grammar and Literature Through Digital Storytelling
In this lesson young scholars create digital stories in cooperative groups using multimedia tools to demonstrate comprehension of the elements of grammar, literature, and technology introduced in the lesson. Students become actively...
Read Write Think: Put That on the List: Collaboratively Writing a Catalog Poem
Using the structure of a list poem, students combine creative expression with poetic techniques and language exploration in order to write group poems about what really matters in their lives.
Read Write Think: She Did What? Revising for Connotation
Did she walk, skip, amble, dance? For this minilesson, students explore connotation by acting out and revising the simple sentence "She walked into the room."
Read Write Think: More Than One Way to Create Vivid Verbs
Contains plans for three lessons to help students use vivid verbs in their writing. In addition to objectives and standards, this instructional plan contains links to sites used in the lessons as well as assessment and reflection...
Robin L. Simmons
Grammar Bytes: Appropriate Words or Expressions in Context Power Point
Learn about using context clues to find the most appropriate word choice in a specific context. Practice identifying correct word choices in questions that could be found on standardized tests.
Grammarly Handbook: Lexical Density
An explanation of lexical density and examples of sentences that are and are not lexically dense.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Tail Acrostic Poems
In this lesson, Spring: An Alphabet Acrostic by Steven Schnur Mentor, Silver Seeds by Paul Paolilli, and Henry & The Kite Dragon by Bruce Edward Hall are used as mentor texts. Learners will practice their acrostic skills on the tail...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Onomatopoeia Adventures
In this lesson plan, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, by Linda Williams, is used as a mentor text to highlight the trait of word choice. Onamatopoeia is the focus content for this lesson. After the reading of the text,...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Serendipitous Crazy Illustrations
In this lesson, Flotsam, written by David Wiesner, is used as a mentor text. Students will analyze the author's use of crazy illustrations and word choices. Students will then use a game on this web site where they will click to discover...