Bio Topics
Bio Topics: To Monitor the Progress of Fermentation of Different Sugars by Yeast
In this classroom lab experiment students measure progress of sugar fermentation by yeast using a hydrometer.
Bio Topics
Bio Topics: To Show the Effects of Temperature on Fermentation by Yeast
In this classroom lab experiment, students measure the effects of temperature on yeast growth and reproduction.
Bio Topics
Bio Topics: Demonstrate the Effect of Temperature on Fermentation by Yeast
Using grape juice as the yeast's food, this lab experiment allows students to test the effect of temperature on yeast fermentation.
University of Missouri
Umsl: Microbes in Action: Classroom Activities: Fungus I [Pdf]
A science experiment to observe the rate of carbon dioxide gas produced by yeast. Students will get a visual of the process of fermentation. Lesson plan gives a lab procedure, teacher instructions, points for discussion, and additional...
Better Lesson
Better Lesson: Mitochondria "The Powerhouse of the Cell"
In this lesson and lab activity, learners learn about digestion and fermentation, and watch a demonstration of cellular respiration in yeast. Includes numerous real-world connections, e.g., how fermentation is used by humans.
University of Missouri
Umsl: Microbes in Action: Cultivation of Bacteria From Yogurt [Pdf]
Observe the two species of bacteria that are found in yogurt by cultivating them on agar plates. In this lab, students will use microbiology techniques to explore these anaerobes. Lesson plan gives a lab procedure, teacher instructions,...