Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Bird Verb Poems
In this lesson, the mentor text entitled Birds, written by Kevin Henkes, is used. Learners will do the art link included on the site first. Then students will work as a class to record verbs found in the mentor text. Then learners will...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Environmental Alphabet
While learning the letters of the alphabet, learners read Alphabet City by Stephen T. Johnson, look for and take pictures of letters in their own environments, and finally work together to write their own alphabet book.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Actions Speak Louder Than Words
After hearing and discussing an excerpt from Sharon Creech's Walk Two Moons, learners will plan to create a unique description of a character that uses memorable actions that "show" a person's character. They will brainstorm verbs that...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: About Frogs
Students read picture books, complete science worksheets, and draw illustrations to show their understanding of the life cycle of frogs.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Beginning a Kindergarten Writers Workshop
A series of quick lessons teachers can use when setting up a Writers Workshop in their classrooms. Lessons include teaching students appropriate Writers Workshop behaviors and activities, building independence, discussion topics, and...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Two Easy to Make Classroom Book Formats
In this article, the author gives directions about how to conduct book-making projects with students. Directions for making concertina books, often referred to as accordion books, and single-section binding books are included in the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Question and Answer Books
Beginning writers work through a Writing Workshop format to create Question and Answer books. A series of mini-lessons, graphic organizers, possible texts, and samples of student work are all provided.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Unlikely Diary Keepers
The writer will assume the role of a living creature (like an arthropod) or an abstraction (like a fraction). Writers will do research on what they have chosen as their roles, and learn new facts about these roles. The writer will...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Summarizing Mathematical Learning With the Important Book
In this lesson, The Important Book by Margaret Wise Brown is used as a mentor text. Students will create an illustrated paragraph about a particular math topic. Students will use the mentor text and attempt to adapt the author's style to...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Counting Up or Down Stories
The writer will brainstorm situations where individuals or people in a group count up or count down out loud together. Using the ending of chapter 5 of Wringer by Jerry Spinelli as a model, the writer will plan a story where someone (or...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Character's Decalogue
In this lesson plan, the writer first writes a personal decalogue (a list of ten personal beliefs) about something important to him/her. The writer then creates a decalogue for a fictional character they will invent and envision. The...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Adjective Game for Kids
Students use this writing prompt generator to choose a writing topic and three adjectives to use in an original piece.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Rolling With the Animals
After reading Duck on a Bike by David Shannon, the writer will plan an original story where an animal (other than a duck) finds itself in a human mode of transportation (other than a bike). Three other animals will react to the unusual...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Top Secret Rule Reasons!
In The Secret Knowledge of Grown-ups, David Wisniewski uses a pattern throughout his book. A grown-up rule is shared, the grown-up reason for the rule is shared, and the "real" reason for the rule is revealed in a fantastic tale. This...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Poetry Lesson: Color Personification Poems
In this instructional activity, students will choose a color and write a poem. Students will use personification and speak from the point of view of the color. Then students will use watercolor paints to exemplify their poem about a color.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: A Narrative Writing Lesson: Here You Are
Inspired by Carly Patterson's song, "Here I Am," students will write personal narratives, focusing on one to three experiences in their lives which have shaped them. After filling out a survey about themselves and discussing some of the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Ace: Reading Mathematics [Pdf]
This site includes a graphic organizer to help students use the ACE acronym to help them read word problems with high comprehension. In the graphic organizer, students' reading of word problems requires them to "ask" [A], "choose" [C],...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Writing a Roundabout Story
In this lesson plan, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff, is used as a mentor text to highlight the trait of organization. The content focus of the lesson is to highlight that authors' story structures can be imitated. Story...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Five Transition Adventure Planner
For this lesson, students will use transition words and phrases to shift from one idea to another within a story.
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Squiggles
After reading "The Squiggle" by Carole Lexa Schafer, students use their own creative vision and talent to turn a squiggle into a masterpiece. They use crayons to color background and details, anything that helps make their squiggle into...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Ace: Writing Mathematics [Pdf]
In this graphic organizer, steps for solving word problems are included. Questions for students to ask themselves for what to do to "answer" [A], "computer" [C], "check" [C], and "explain" [E] are included. [Requires Adobe Reader.]
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Terrible, Horrible Days
After reading the book Alexander and the Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day by Judith Viorst, students have the chance to express the way they feel when they have a bad day. They will make personal connections as well as develop...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Some Animals Don't Do That!
For this lesson plan, Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers by Laura Numeroff, is used as a mentor text for to highlight the trait of idea development. The content focus of the lesson is to highlight what topics cannot do. Students generate a list of...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Exploring Patterns & Writing Word Problems
In this lesson, students will listen to the book called The Grapes of Math by Greg Tang, but before reading, students will listen for the "different" way to solve the problem on each page. After reading, students will focus on one page...