Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Who/what/when/where: Desert Theme
In this lesson, Brooke Bessesen's picture book, Look Who Lives in the Desert!: Bouncing and Pouncing, Hiding and Gliding, Sleeping and Creeping, is used as the mentor text for its use of adverbial phrases. After several exposures to the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Who/what/when/where: Mall Theme
In this lesson, Eileen Christelow's picture book, Five Little Monkeys Go Shopping, is used as the mentor text for its use of adverbial phrases. After several exposures to the mentor text, students will use click the buttons with the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Who/what/when/where: Recess Theme
In this lesson, Hooway for Wodney Watby, written by Helen Lester, is used as the mentor text for its use of adverbial phrases. After several exposures to the mentor text, students will use click the buttons with the words "Who", "What",...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Who/what/when/where: Sports Theme
In this lesson, Hoops, written by Robert Burleigh, is used as the mentor text for its use of adverbial phrases. After several exposures to the mentor text, learners will use click the buttons with the words "Who", "What", "When", and...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Who/what/when/where: Circus Theme
In this lesson, Dr. Seuss' book, If I Ran the Zoo, is used as the mentor text for its use of adverbial phrases. After reading the mentor text, students will use click the buttons with the words "Who", "What", "When", and "Where" until...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Racetrack Sentences
For this lesson, The Berenstain Bears and the Big Road Race, written by Stan Berenstain, is used as a mentor text. Students will record their favorite adjectives from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Airplane Flight Sentences
In this lesson, Robert Burleigh's picture book entitled Flight is used as the mentor text. Students will record their favorite adjectives from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share them. Students will also use...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Creepy Crawly Sentences
In this lesson, the picture book entitled Toad, written by Ruth Brown, is used as the mentor text. Students will record their favorite adjectives from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share them. Students will...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Action Packed Rain Forest Sentences
In this lesson, Jane Yolen's Welcome to the Greenhouse is used as a mentor text. Students will record their favorite verbs from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share them. Students will also use interactive...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Action Packed Ocean Sentences
In this lesson, Andrew Clement's awesome picture book, Big Al is used as a mentor text. Students will record their favorite verbs from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share them. Students will also use...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Action Packed Zoo Sentences
In this lesson, If I Ran the Zoo, written by Dr. Seuss, is used as the mentor text. Students will record their favorite adjectives from the mentor text, rank them according to their favorite, and share them. Students will also use...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Writing a Roundabout Story
In this lesson plan, If You Give a Mouse a Cookie, by Laura Numeroff, is used as a mentor text to highlight the trait of organization. The content focus of the activity is to highlight that authors' story structures can be imitated....
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Tail Acrostic Poems
In this lesson, Spring: An Alphabet Acrostic by Steven Schnur Mentor, Silver Seeds by Paul Paolilli, and Henry & The Kite Dragon by Bruce Edward Hall are used as mentor texts. Learners will practice their acrostic skills on the tail...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Some Animals Don't Do That!
In this lesson plan, Dogs Don't Wear Sneakers by Laura Numeroff, is used as a mentor text for to highlight the trait of idea development. The content focus of the lesson is to highlight what topics cannot do. Students generate a list of...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Onomatopoeia Adventures
In this lesson plan, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid of Anything, by Linda Williams, is used as a mentor text to highlight the trait of word choice. Onamatopoeia is the focus content for this lesson. After the reading of the text,...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Beyond the Basic Biography Report
In this lesson students use the format and structure of a mentor text such as A. Lincoln and Me by Louise Borden to write an interesting biography about a historical figure with an emphasis on idea development, voice, and writing...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Oh, Messy Cheetos!
In this instructional activity, sentence fluency is the focus. The mentor text entitled Mrs. Wishy Washy is used to help students explore how using repetition techniques can enhance the meaning of a story. After reading the text,...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Three Serendipitous Nouns
In this lesson, the book entitled A Mink, a Fink, a Skating Rink: What Is a Noun? (Words Are Categorical), written by Brian P. Cleary, is used as the mentor text. After learning the basic definition of noun, a person, place, thing, or...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Mathematical Recipe Metaphors
In this lesson, Barry Lane's books entitled Reviser's Toolbox and 51 Wacky We-Search Reports are used as mentor texts. Used as a refeference, the concept of recipe poems can be instructed to the students and the genre of "how to" books,...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Colorful Desert
In this lesson plan, The Colorful Desert, written by Audrey Wood, is used as a mentor text for sentence fluency. The content focus of the lesson is about how sentences build through a "building on" book. Learners will use sentence frames...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Color Personification Poems
In this lesson, Hailstones and Halibut Bones, a book written by Mary O'Neill and Red Sings, and From Treetops: a Year in Colors, a book by Joyce Sidman, are used as mentor texts. Students will brainstorm to collect different adjectives,...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: We Saw Him at the Zoo
In this lesson plan, the mentor text utilized is Deborah Guarino's book, Is Your Mama a Llama?, with the focus of sentence fluency. Each student will think of an animal that that has the same initial sound as his/her name. Using the...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: Camping Sentences
In this lesson, Teaching Grammar in Context by Constance Weaver provides foundational information for this lesson. When I Go Camping with Grandma, a book by Marion Dane Bauer, is used as the mentor text of this lesson. Learners will...
Writing Fix
Writing Fix: The Who/what/where/when Game: Wild Weather Sentences
In this lesson, Teaching Grammar in Context by Constance Weaver provides foundational information for this lesson. Brave Irene, written by William Steig, is used as the mentor text of this lesson. Students will develop sentences with...