Lesson Plan

Personal Financial Literacy: Using Credit Wisely

Curated and Reviewed by Lesson Planet
This Personal Financial Literacy: Using Credit Wisely lesson plan also includes:

What is credit, and what are its advantages and disadvantages for purchases? Your class members will learn about different types of loans, such as student and mortgage, how interest factors into credit use, credit reports, and ultimately how to be savvier shoppers. This is a valuable lesson plan that all young adults would benefit from!

260 Views 226 Downloads
CCSS: Adaptable
Instructional Ideas
  • List the optional activity as a May Do activity for early finishers or for those that require an additional challenge
Classroom Considerations
  • The third lesson in a series of four
  • Engaging hook and clear guidelines for follow-up discussion
  • Excellent suggestions for additional activities included
  • None
Common Core