February Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
Michigan becomes the 26th state in the United States (1837)
Also try:
statehood, Great Lakes
Rocky Mountain National Park established in Colorado (1915)
Also try:
national parks, conservationism
Condoleezza Rice becomes first African American woman US Secretary of State (2005)
Also try:
Secretary of State
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born (1756)
Also try:
Classical period, composers
Lewis Carroll born (1832)
Also try:
Alice in Wonderland
Paris Peace Accords signed, ending the Vietnam War (1973)
Also try:
Vietnam War
National Kazoo Day
Also try:
musical instruments, sound waves
Jackson Pollock born (1912)
Also try:
abstract expressionism, artists
Pride and Prejudice published in United Kingdom (1813)
Also try:
Jane Austen
Space shuttle Challenger explodes (1986)
Also try:
NASA, space missions
Chinese New Year
Also try:
Lunar New Year, Chinese culture
National Puzzle Day
Also try:
brain teaser, riddle
Thomas Paine born (1737)
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Common Sense, American Revolution
President William McKinley born (1843)
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US presidents, Spanish-American War
Oprah Winfrey born (1954)
Also try:
book club, entrepreneurs
President Franklin D. Roosevelt born (1882)
Vietnam War: Tet Offensive launched (1968)
Also try:
Vietnam War
Erno Rubik patents the Rubik's cube (1975)
Also try:
puzzles, problem solving
Franz Schubert born (1797)
Also try:
Romantic era, composers
Jackie Robinson born (1919)
Also try:
color barrier, baseball
Black History Month begins
Also try:
African American history
National Freedom Day
Langston Hughes born (1901)
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Harlem Renaissance, jazz poetry
Four black students stage the first of the Greensboro sit-ins (1960)
Also try:
civil rights movement
James Joyce born (1882)
Mexican-American War ends (1848)
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annexation of Texas, Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo
The Battle of Stalingrad ends with the surrender of German troops to the Soviets (1943)
Also try:
World War II battles
15th Amendment ratified (1870)
Also try:
voting rights
First operational weather satellite, ESSA-1 launched in US (1966)
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National Create a Vacuum Day
Also try:
air pressure, vacuum of space
Rosa Parks born (1913)
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Montgomery Bus Boycott, civil rights movement
First presidential election (1789)
Also try:
Electoral College, democracy
Yalta Conference begins (1945)
Also try:
World War II
National Girls and Women in Sports Day
Also try:
female athletes
First motion picture shown in Philadelphia (1870)
Also try:
cinematography, film history
National Wildlife Federation formed (1936)
President Ronald Reagan born (1911)
Also try:
US presidents
Elizabeth II becomes Queen of England (1952)
Also try:
Queen of England, constitutional monarchy
National Periodic Table Day
Also try:
scientific elements, Dimitri
Sir Thomas More born (1478)
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Utopia, Renaissance
Charles Dickens born (1812)
Laura Ingalls Wilder born (1867)
Also try:
Little House on the Prairie
Jules Verne born (1828)
Also try:
science fiction
Japan declares war on Russia (1904)
Also try:
Russo-Japanese War
William G. Morgan invents the game of volleyball (1895)
Also try:
team sports
Super Bowl LIX
Treaty of Paris ends the French and Indian War (1763)
Also try:
Treaty of Paris
IBM computer Deep Blue defeats world chess champion (1996)
Also try:
computer programs, artificial intelligence
Thomas Edison born (1847)
The Pennsylvania Hospital opens as the first American hospital (1753)
President Abraham Lincoln born (1809)
Also try:
American Civil War, Lincoln Memorial
Charles Darwin born (1809)
Also try:
theory of evolution, natural selection
The American Temperance Society is established in Boston (1826)
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The Negro National League organizes (1920)
Also try:
baseball, segregation
Valentine's Day
Also try:
Saint Valentine, cupid
YouTube launched (2005)
Also try:
digital video, social media
Galileo Galilei born (1564)
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Scientific Revolution, astronomy
Susan B. Anthony born (1820)
Also try:
women's suffrage, 19th Amendment
Howard Carter enters Pharaoh Tutankhamun's tomb (1923)
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King Tut's tomb, Tutankhamun
Fidel Castro becomes 16th Prime Minister of Cuba (1959)
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Presidents' Day
Also try:
US presidents
Michael Jordan born (1963)
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After a tie in the Electoral College, Thomas Jefferson elected president (1801)
Also try:
Electoral College, democracy
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn first published in the US (1885)
Also try:
Mark Twain, American literature
Dwarf planet Pluto discovered (1930)
Also try:
solar system, dwarf planets
Nicolaus Copernicus born (1473)
Also try:
heliocentric model, astronomy
Battle of Iwo Jima begins (1945)
Also try:
World War II, Pacific Theater
US Postal Service formally created (1792)
Also try:
mail, postage stamps
John Glenn first American to orbit Earth (1962)
Also try:
space flight, astronauts
Washington Monument dedicated (1885)
Also try:
George Washington, national monuments
Malcolm X assassinated (1965)
Also try:
civil rights movement
George Washington born (1732)
Also try:
US presidents
"Miracle on Ice": US men's hockey team defeats Soviet Union in Winter Olympics (1980)
Also try:
Winter Olympics, Cold War
W.E.B. Du Bois born (1868)
Also try:
civil rights, NAACP
Children in Pittsburgh receive first polio vaccine (1954)
Also try:
vaccines, modern medicine
Steve Jobs is born (1955)
Also try:
US House of Representatives vote to impeach President Andrew Johnson (1868)
Also try:
impeachment, checks and balances
Anthony Burgess born (1917)
Also try:
A Clockwork Orange, dystopia
Victor Hugo born (1802)
Also try:
Les Miserables
Grand Teton National Park established (1929)
Also try:
National Park Service, Calvin Coolidge
Henry Wadsworth Longfellow born (1807)
Also try:
lyric poetry
John Steinbeck born (1902)
Also try:
The Grapes of Wrath, Of Mice and Men
Digital Learning Day
Also try:
education technology
National Tooth Fairy Day
Also try:
dental hygiene
DNA structure discovered (1953)
Also try:
double helix, genetics
Women's History Month begins
Also try:
women's rights, gender equality
Frederic Chopin born (1810)
Also try:
Romantic era
Salem Witch Trials begin (1692)
Also try:
the Crucible
Yellowstone becomes world's first national park (1872)
Also try:
national parks
Ramadan begins, North America
Also try:
Islam, Muslim calendar
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