January Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
Wounded Knee Massacre takes place (1890)
Also try:
Lakota, Native American history
Mongolia declares independence from the Qing Dynasty (1911)
Also try:
Qing Dynasty
Rudyard Kipling born (1865)
Also try:
British imperialism, The Jungle Book
Edwin Hubble announces discovery of other galaxies (1924)
Also try:
space exploration, the universe
Henri Matisse born (1869)
New Year's Day
Also try:
New Year's resolutions
National Thank You Month begins
Also try:
gratitude, appreciation
President Abraham Lincoln signs Emancipation Proclamation (1863)
Also try:
Abraham Lincoln, slavery
Ellis Island opens for immigration (1892)
Also try:
Mahatma Gandhi begins march for peace in East Bengali (1947)
Also try:
colonial India, civil disobedience
USSR launches Mechta for first solar orbit (1959)
Also try:
space exploration, spacecraft
J.R.R. Tolkien born (1892)
Also try:
The Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit
Alaska named 49th state (1959)
Also try:
US expansion, statehood
Israeli ground forces invade Gaza (2009)
Isaac Newton born (1643)
Also try:
Scientific Revolution, Newton's laws of motion
Louis Braille born (1809)
Also try:
blindness, visual impairment
Spirit, a NASA Mars rover, successfully lands on Mars (2004)
Also try:
NASA missions, terrestrial planets
George Washington Carver Day
Also try:
peanuts, crop rotation
National Bird Day
Also try:
ornithology, bird-watching
The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde published (1886)
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Robert Louis Stevenson
Joan of Arc born (1412)
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Hundred Years' War
Alfred Wegener first presents the theory of continental drift (1912)
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Alfred Wegener, Pangaea
President Millard Fillmore born (1800)
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Whig Party, US presidents
Zora Neale Hurston born (1891)
Also try:
Harlem Renaissance
Jupiter's moons discovered (1610)
Also try:
Galileo Galilei, telescopes
Elvis Presley born (1935)
Also try:
rock 'n roll, popular music
George Washington delivers first State of the Union Address (1790)
Also try:
George Washington
National Static Electricity Day
Also try:
electricity, electric charge
President Richard Nixon born (1913)
Also try:
Watergate Scandal, US presidents
Jean-Pierre Blanchard takes first hot air balloon flight in the US (1793)
Also try:
Jean-Pierre Blanchard, history of flight
Common Sense by Thomas Paine published (1776)
Also try:
Thomas Paine, American Revolution
League of Nations formed (1920)
Also try:
Paris Peace Conference
Alexander Hamilton born (1755)
Also try:
Founding Fathers, The Federalist Papers
Amelia Earhart flies solo from Honolulu to California (1935)
Also try:
aviation, history of flight
Charles Perrault born (1628)
Also try:
fairy tales
Earthquake in Haiti kills 230,000 (2010)
Also try:
natural disasters, plate tectonics
First public radio broadcast (1910)
Also try:
mass media
Publication of first "Mickey Mouse" comic strip (1930)
Also try:
comic strips, Walt Disney
Clarinet invented in Nuremberg, Germany (1690)
Also try:
woodwinds, musical instruments
First Model T automobile is built on an assembly line (1914)
Elizabeth I crowned Queen of England (1559)
Also try:
Queen of England, monarchy
Wikipedia goes online (2001)
Also try:
media literacy, internet research
National Appreciate a Dragon Day
Also try:
mythical creatures, fantasy literature
First publication of Don Quixote (1605)
Also try:
Miguel de Cervantes
Operation Desert Storm announced (1991)
Also try:
Gulf War, George H. W. Bush
Benjamin Franklin born (1706)
Also try:
American Enlightenment, inventors
Captain James Cook is the first to cross the Antarctic Circle (1773)
Also try:
Antarctica, English explorers
Prohibition begins (1920)
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Volstead Act, 18th amendement
A.A. Milne born (1882)
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James Watt born (1736)
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inventors, steam engines
Edgar Allan Poe born (1809)
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Tell-Tale Heart, Fall of the House of Usher
Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Also try:
civil rights movement, nonviolence
Inaguration Day (US)
Also try:
Presidential Inaguration
Penguin Awareness Day
Also try:
birds, animal adaptations
John Marshall appointed Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court (1801)
Also try:
supreme court, judicial branch
King Louis XVI executed for treason (1793)
Also try:
French Revolution
Neptune becomes outermost planet (1979)
Also try:
solar system, planets
Sir Francis Bacon born (1561)
Also try:
scientific method, inductive reasoning
The uranium atom split at Columbia University (1939)
Also try:
nuclear fission, Manhattan Project
National Handwriting Day
Also try:
cursive, penmanship
John Hancock born (1737)
Also try:
Declaration of Independence
Madeleine Albright sworn in as US Secretary of State (1997)
Also try:
US Secretary of State
Edith Wharton born (1862)
Also try:
Ethan Frome, Pulitzer Prize
Gold discovered at Sutter's Mill (1848)
Also try:
Gold Rush
National Opposite Day
Also try:
antonyms, positive and negative numbers
Alexander Graham Bell inaugurates US transcontinental telephone service (1915)
Also try:
Alexander Graham Bell
Michigan becomes the 26th state in the United States (1837)
Also try:
statehood, Great Lakes
Rocky Mountain National Park established in Colorado (1915)
Also try:
national parks, conservationism
Condoleezza Rice becomes first African American woman US Secretary of State (2005)
Also try:
Secretary of State
International Holocaust Remembrance Day
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart born (1756)
Also try:
Classical period, composers
Lewis Carroll born (1832)
Also try:
Alice in Wonderland
Paris Peace Accords signed, ending the Vietnam War (1973)
Also try:
Vietnam War
National Kazoo Day
Also try:
musical instruments, sound waves
Jackson Pollock born (1912)
Also try:
abstract expressionism, artists
Pride and Prejudice published in United Kingdom (1813)
Also try:
Jane Austen
Space shuttle Challenger explodes (1986)
Also try:
NASA, space missions
Chinese New Year
Also try:
Lunar New Year, Chinese culture
National Puzzle Day
Also try:
brain teaser, riddle
Thomas Paine born (1737)
Also try:
Common Sense, American Revolution
President William McKinley born (1843)
Also try:
US presidents, Spanish-American War
Oprah Winfrey born (1954)
Also try:
book club, entrepreneurs
President Franklin D. Roosevelt born (1882)
Vietnam War: Tet Offensive launched (1968)
Also try:
Vietnam War
Erno Rubik patents the Rubik's cube (1975)
Also try:
puzzles, problem solving
Franz Schubert born (1797)
Also try:
Romantic era, composers
Jackie Robinson born (1919)
Also try:
color barrier, baseball
Black History Month begins
Also try:
African American history
National Freedom Day
Langston Hughes born (1901)
Also try:
Harlem Renaissance, jazz poetry
Four black students stage the first of the Greensboro sit-ins (1960)
Also try:
civil rights movement
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