October 2022 Curriculum Calendar - Lesson Plan Ideas by Date
Enhance your current curriculum with this fun reference calendar. Whether you want to highlight historic events, honor birthdays of significant people, or celebrate holidays, this is a valuable tool for every teacher. Click on any event to find a breadth of related teaching resources that will spark new ideas to spice up your daily lessons. There's something worth celebrating every day!
Curriculum Calendar
Sun | Mon | Tue | Wed | Thur | Fri | Sat |
William Faulkner born (1897)
Also try:
American literature
Shel Silverstein born (1930)
Also try:
The Giving Tree, poetry
Johnny Appleseed born (1774)
Also try:
apples, American pioneers
Sir Francis Drake finishes circumnavigation of the earth (1580)
Also try:
circumnavigation, European explorers
Ancestor Appreciation Day
Also try:
heritage, family tree
Samuel Adams born (1722)
William the Conqueror invades England (1066)
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Battle of Hastings
SpaceX launches first private spacecraft, the Falcon 1, into orbit (2008)
Also try:
space exploration, rockets
Miguel de Cervantes born (1547)
Also try:
Don Quixote
John D. Rockefeller becomes America's first billionaire (1916)
Also try:
oil industry
Truman Capote born (1924)
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Breakfast at Tiffany's
The Hoover Dam dedicated by FDR (1935)
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National Bullying Prevention Month
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Yosemite National Park established by US Congress (1890)
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sequoia forest
Nazi leaders are sentenced at the Nuremberg Trials (1946)
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Holocaust, war crimes
International Day of Non-Violence
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Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr.
World Farm Animals Day
World Habitat Day
Also try:
conservationism, ecosystems
National Butterfly and Hummingbird Day
Also try:
hummingbirds, pollinators
East and West Germany reunify (1990)
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Berlin Wall
Construction begins on Mount Rushmore (1927)
Also try:
national monuments
USSR launches Sputnik I (1957)
Also try:
space race
International Walk to School Day
Also try:
physical fitness, healthy habits
The Public Broadcasting Service (PBS) debuts (1970)
Also try:
television, nonprofit organization
Thomas Edison shows his first motion picture (1889)
Also try:
film history, Thomas Edison
Mary Leakey finds the first partial fossil of Proconsul africanus (1948)
Far side of the moon first observed by Luna 3 (1959)
Also try:
phases of the moon, space exploration
Hua Guofeng becomes Mao Zedong's successor as chairman of Communist Party of China (1976)
Also try:
Mao Zedong
The Great Chicago Fire starts (1871)
Also try:
fire safety
First pacemaker implanted (1958)
Also try:
heart, medical devices
Leif Erikson Day
Also try:
discovering North America
Indigenous Peoples' Day
Also try:
Native Americans
Columbus Day
Also try:
discovering America, Italian explorers
Powers of Ten Day
Also try:
scientific notation, exponents
Metric system conceived (1796)
Also try:
units of measurement
Eleanor Roosevelt born (1884)
Also try:
first ladies
Second Boer War begins (1899)
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South African history
National Fossil Day
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archaeology, dinosaurs
The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy published (1979)
Also try:
science fiction
First spiral galaxy discovered by Charles Messier (1773)
Also try:
the universe, astronomy
George Washington lays White House cornerstone (1792)
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George Washington, Washington DC
Dwight D. Eisenhower born (1890)
Also try:
US presidents
First gay rights march on Washington, DC (1979)
Also try:
civil rights, protests
Hispanic Heritage Month ends
Also try:
Latin America, Spain
Nelson Mandela awarded Nobel Peace Prize (1993)
Also try:
Nelson Mandela
Noah Webster born (1758)
Also try:
dictionary skills, vocabulary development
John Brown leads raid on Harpers Ferry (1859)
Also try:
John Brown
Digital Citizenship Week begins
Black Poetry Day
US Department of Education created (1979)
Also try:
public education
Moby Dick published (1851)
Also try:
Herman Melville, symbolism
Cornwallis surrenders at Yorktown, Revolutionary War ends (1781)
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Yorktown, American Revolution
Saddam Hussein goes on trial for crimes against humanity (2005)
Also try:
crimes against humanity, Iraq War
US Senate ratifies Louisiana Purchase (1803)
Also try:
westward expansion
Sydney Opera House opens (1973)
Ferdinand Magellan discovers Strait of Magellan (1520)
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Strait of Magellan, explorers
Thomas Edison unveils light bulb (1879)
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Thomas Edison, electricity
Jean-Paul Sartre awarded Nobel Prize for Literature, but turns it down (1964)
Also try:
existentialism, Nobel Prize
Soviet unmanned space mission Venera 9 lands on Venus (1975)
Also try:
space missions, space exploration
Mole Day
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Avogadro's number, chemistry
Women's Suffrage March in New York City (1915)
Also try:
19th Amendment, voting rights
Media Literacy Week begins
Also try:
critical thinking, digital media
United Nations Day
Also try:
diplomacy, foreign relations
Annie Edson Taylor becomes first person to go over Niagara Falls in a barrel (1901)
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Pablo Picasso born (1881)
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US invades Grenada (1983)
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Caribbean, Ronald Regan
Hillary Clinton born (1947)
Also try:
Secretary of State
Erie Canal opens (1825)
Also try:
the Great Lakes
President Theodore Roosevelt born (1858)
Also try:
US presidents
First New York City subway opens (1904)
Also try:
mass transit, public transportation
Statue of Liberty dedicated (1886)
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Liberty Island, New York City
National Prohibition Act goes into effect (1919)
Also try:
Volstead Act, speakeasies
Cuban Missile Crisis ends (1962)
Stock Market crashes, "Black Tuesday" (1929)
Also try:
Great Depression, stock market crash
First ARPANET link established, precursor to the Internet (1969)
Also try:
computer networks, technology
John Adams born (1735)
Also try:
US presidents
War of the Worlds radio broadcast (1938)
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H.G. Wells
Also try:
costumes, Halloween traditions
Seven Billion Day: global population reaches 7,000,000,000 (2011)
Also try:
population growth
European Union comes into existence (1993)
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Day of the Dead
Also try:
Dia de los Muertos
James Polk born (1795)
Also try:
US presidents
Warren G. Harding born (1865) and elected president (1920)
Also try:
US presidents
Chevrolet Motor Car Company incoporated (1911)
Also try:
automobile industry, transportation
Linus Pauling wins Nobel Prize in Chemistry (1954)
Also try:
chemical bonds, biochemistry
First wagon train reaches California (1841)
Also try:
westward expansion, Oregon Trail
Barack Obama becomes first African American elected as US president (2008)
Also try:
US presidents, elections
Guy Fawkes arrested for Gunpowder Plot (1605)
Also try:
Gunpowder Plot
Susan B. Anthony votes and is fined $100 (1872)
Also try:
women's suffrage, 19th Amendment
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